°Chapter 22° I Hate Goodbyes

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Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers, Michael Bay and Hasbro do. I only own my Oc, plot twists, and evil cliffhangers.~Hannah


"So let me get this straight," Ron says, his eyes narrowed at Will. "You want to adopt Tanya, and you haven't even known her for a day?" Will shuffles his feet nervously, clearing his throat.

"Indeed," Will says nervously. "I have only known Tanya for one day." It's clear, just by his voice, that he's nervous. Hell, even I'm nervous! If Ron doesn't approve of Will adopting me, then he can't.

"And what makes you think I'll let a man who has only known Tanya for one day, adopt her?" Ron asks, his eyebrows raised; arms crossed in front of him. I sigh, leaning back in my chair. The room, similar to the one we were in before, is becoming stuffy with all of this tension.

'This tension is killing me.' I grumble.

'You'll live.' Sparky replies, humor clearly lacing her words.

"I don't expect you to, honestly." Will says, taking me by surprise. "I know you want what's best for Tanya, sir. But that's exactly what I want." Ron nods, waving a hand telling Will to continue. "I want Tanya to have a family, I want for people to care for her. I want her to know she's loved, and that she has a place in a real family."

'I'm going to start crying again.' I remark, blinking my eyes to stop myself from crying.

"That's exactly what my wife and I want." Ron retorts. Will nods, but doesn't give up.

"That's what I've heard, but Tanya has said she could never fit in with your family. Correct?" Will turns to me as he finishes.

'Well shit.' I hiss, looking down.

"Is it?" Ron asks, looking at me with eyes full of confusion. I nod, sighing.

"I feel as though I could never fit in with you guys," I start, keeping my eyes trained on the floor. "It felt wrong to intrude on your family like that, so I couldn't except your offer to be adopted."

I still remember the day I came across their house, begging for a place to stay. It was a week after I gained my freedom. To this day I am still surprised they took me in, even though I refused to let them adopt me.

Ron sighs as he rubs his temples, looking me dead in the eyes. "I suppose as long as you're happy," He starts, causing a smile to spread across my face. "But are you sure about this Tai? Are you sure you're ready to take this step?" He asks, putting his hands on my shoulders as he stares down at me.

Am I ready?

Am I prepared to enter a new family, especially after what happened in my last?

Will looks at me, his eyes full of hope. Ron looks down at me, his eyes telling me it's my choice.

My choice.

Those two words echo in my head, telling me once again I have to make a choice that will change my life.

First I had to choose to whether live or die. Now, I have to decide whether or not I'm willing to enter a new family.

'Follow your heart, dear.' Sparky says softly. 'Only it can tell you how to answer.'

Follow my heart?

I look over at Will, and then back up at Ron. I heave a sigh, my eyes shining in determination.

"I want nothing more than to be apart of his family."



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