°Chapter 20° The Tears Fall

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Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers. Micheal Bay and Hasbro do. I only own my Oc, plot twists, and evil cliffhangers.~Hannah

A/N: I will explain the video at the end of the chapter.


Three hours.

That's how long Sam, Mik, and I have been in questioning. After the Autobots came to my rescue, saving me from almost being stabbed to death, we were immediately dragged into another white room...to be questioned. Although, they had to have the Autobot's permission first. Which is why both Ironhide and Barricade are standing guard at the door; the others not far away.

"How much longer?" I groan, sending my displeasure over the bonds.

'Just hang in there little lady.'

'You'll be fine young one.'

'Should I use my cannons?' I let out a snort, catching Assface's attention.

"Something funny Tanya?" That reminds me. After Assface was almost beheaded by Frenzy, which I wish would have happened, he was forced to call me by my name.

"Nothing Simmons." And I have to call him Simmons, but that won't stop me from calling him Assface behind his back.

"Good," He nods. "Lets continue."

"How many times do we have to repeat ourselves?" Sam demands tiredly. "We already told you everything we know!" Simmons sighs.

"Listen kid, I need to know everything, and I need to know it now." I raise an eyebrow at his tone; something isn't right here.

"You sure Simmons? Who needs to know?" I question. I have a strange feeling he's hiding something from us.

"I need to know!" And that proves it.

'Optimus?' I call out privately.

'Is something wrong Tanya?' Is his immediate response.

'I..don't know. Please send John Keller to our room, Assface is acting fishy.'

'Right away.' I smirk, leaning back in my chair.

"Is that so? Well, what do you want to know? Hmm?" He scowls at me, running a hand through his messy brown hair.


Well isn't he the most descriptive person in the world?

"Well lets see...My 'mother' and 'father'," I begin, putting air quotes around mother and father. "Conceived me one day when they were both drunk. I remember that story well." I sneak a look at Sam and Mik who are both trying to hide their laughter, and then one at Simmons who looks horrified.

"Not that!" Simmons exclaims. I shrug innocently, acting like what I said was normal.

"You said everything, so I thought I would start from the beginning."

'John Keller is on his way Tanya. Should I tell Ironhide and Barricade to escort you, Sam and Mikaela out?'

'That's alright Optimus, thank you.'

'Anything for you Sweetspark.'

That's another thing I have to get used to; being called Sweetspark. Sure Sparky always calls me that, but I've been with her, and bonded with her, for years. I'm now just getting used to the fact that I have seven, working on eight, bonds now. And eight people who call me Sweetspark. I sometimes have to take a minute to collect myself after being called that by one of them, I'm just not used to it.

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