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They say...

That our hearts are like made of glass...

If a heart is broken, the glass will have cracks until it shatters into millions of fragments that you can never mend again alone.

"Doctor Xiao?" Wang Yibo called the other.

And if you truly love the other, even if you have a perfect and complete glass, you will do anything to mend his broken pieces, pick up his shattered fragments one by one...

Xiao Zhan flinched and immediately got back to his senses. He uttered after a moment, "M...?"

By then, the two of you can never be broken with each other's protection...

So why...

Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo used to be boyfriends. Both of them love each other dearly. They protected each other's hearts and became each other's light amidst the darkness, walking together. But Wang Yibo suddenly broke up with him for no reason and Xiao Zhan didn't have any other choice but to respect his decision and go abroad to continue his studies.

Xiao Zhan can feel his chest ache as he glanced at Yibo's side, seeing a girl. She looks stunning with her round marble-like eyes, her long lashes fluttering downwards, feeling uncomfortable of Xiao Zhan's stare. The girl seems to be Yibo's girlfriend or— wife.

It has been three years since they last met and now, the man that he loves already has his own...

"We're here for my baby's check-up." the girl beside Yibo uttered.

Xiao Zhan's eyes slightly widened. The curtains of his eyelashes fluttered downwards and saw a one or two year/s old baby in Yibo's arms.

He did thought that the baby was Yibo's but hearing the girl confirm it made his heart hurt even more. But he concealed it and just muttered, "Oh, I see." He paused, and said, "Then, please take a seat."

It has been three years since they last met and now, the man that he loves already has his own family.

Wang Yibo handed the Doctor a piece of paper. His long slender hands slightly brushed against the other's fingers, sending chills down his spine.

Xiao Zhan immediately looked at the baby's name and noticed that the baby's surname is different. It was 'Zheng' instead of 'Wang'! So does that mean that the baby wasn't his' after all?

Thousands of questions immediately filled his head.

So this baby is not his child?

But why is he carrying this little guy?

Why is he with a girl?

Are they married?

Is it a secret marriage?


However, he warily shrugged them all off and focused on his work. He's a doctor now. After years of studying hard at US, he finally went back home. He needs to focus and let go of his unexplainable feelings. In this hospital, the relationship between him and Yibo are just 'Patient and Doctor'. Outside, they are just strangers. After all, it has been three years, Yibo probably moved on already. So why is he still holding on from the past that he can never go back to? Three years, isn't that supposed to be enough for him to forget about this guy?

After a while of writing, he returned the piece of paper to Yibo. Not looking at his ex's eyes, he said, "Go to the second floor and wait for your turn. The nurse there will guide you."

Yibo stood up, carrying the child in his arms, followed by the gorgeous girl before they exited Xiao Zhan's office.

The moment the door closed, Xiao Zhan let out a sigh. "Three years," he looked up at the ceiling, and added, "Yet I still love him."


I'm sorry for the errors! Please do tell me if I have some, that would help me a lot(;▽;)~~~

Hearts Made of Glass | YiZhanWhere stories live. Discover now