Chapter 9

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The next day came, the day when they will go to Korea.

Wang Yibo sat on the bed, hair messy, eyes slightly swollen, his dark eye circles are obvious. He couldn't sleep well last night, knowing that he will never come back here again, which means he won't see Zhan again. So 'that' day was indeed the last day they will see each other. He couldn't help but chuckle. Last. He keeps on thinking that it's the last but still hopes it won't be the last. Just what is wrong with him?

Suddenly, his phone started ringing. He looked at his phone and when he saw that it was from Ziyi, he immediately answered it.

Wang Yibo, "Hello?"

Ziyi, "Are you ready? Your flight's kinda early."

Wang Yibo yawned as he stretched his arms. "I just got up."

Ziyi, "Well, then hurry up! You still have to give Fanxing a shower, dress him up, and feed him!"

Wang Yibo, "Yeah, it's still 5:00 am anyway, I'll be done in an hour don't worry." He paused and suddenly remembered, "Oh yeah! Won't you come here? I thought you'd come with us to the airport?"

Ziyi stilled for a while before pursing her lips. "I... I won't."

Wang Yibo's eyes slightly widened. "You won't? Why?"

Ziyi clicked his tongue, voice quite hoarse, she shouted, "Because I might want to take Fanxing with me and won't return him to you! Aish! Why do you keep on asking, he's my son too, you know." Even in the call, you can already tell that Ziyi's face is already twisted in anger on the other screen.

Wang Yibo chuckled. "Ok, ok, then I'll have to take care of the rest. Tsk, what kind of friend are you! You won't even say goodbye to me in person. You—"

He paused when he suddenly heard a faint sobbing from the other line. It seems that Ziyi was crying all along.

Wang Yibo couldn't utter a word, he just stayed silent listening to Ziyi cry. After a moment of silence, he said, "You silly girl." He chuckled. "Goodbye."

Ziyi sniffled. "You bastard, you didn't even let me prepare, you just suddenly said that you're going to Korea." The tone of her voice seems mad but she's still sobbing and sniffling. "G-Goodbye."

Wang Yibo smiled faintly. "Don't worry, I'll take proper care of Fanxing. I promise you."

Ziyi, "You think I'll believe you if you tell me that you'll let him starve to death?"

Wang Yibo chuckled again, and said, "Ok then, I still have to feed him, goodbye!"

Ziyi, "B-Bye."

The call ended.

Wang Yibo took a deep breath and heaved. Today is officially the first day that he's going to be a dad.

He and Fanxing took a bath together in the shower, ate together, and dressed up together. From now on, they will always do things together. They took a cab, went to the airport.

When they arrived at the airport, Wang Yibo sat at the chair, waiting for their turn. Normally, he would have to stand in line, but since he has a child with him, they made a consideration and let him sit.

Suddenly, he received a message. He opened it and saw a message from an unknown number.

"Hello, Mr. Wang! We would like to inform you that you left some important papers here at the hospital. Please come and get back. Thank you!"

Wang Yibo's eyes went wide when he read the message. How can he forget such important things?! If goes there then who would look after their stuff? He can't just leave Fanxing here and tell him to look after their luggages and bags, can he? He just sighed and texted Ziyi, telling her to get it for him.

When Ziyi received the message she was already done showering and was looking for something to wear. And when she looked at her phone and saw Yibo's message she immediately got dressed, knowing that Yibo's flight is at 8:00 am.

She went to the hospital and immediately went to Yibo's doctor's office, Zhuocheng to get Yibo's papers. She didn't stay anymore as she has to hurry and immediately ran after she got the papers.

However, when she got out of Zhuocheng's office, she suddenly bumped into someone. She didn't mind it at first and was about to run again but when she saw a familiar figure she paused. She looked at the guy in a white doctor suit. "D-Doctor Xiao..." She was panting heavily from all the running she did.

Xiao Zhan was shocked at first. He didn't want to talk to her because of what happened before but seeing how calm she looks now, he smiled, "Miss Meng Ziyi, why are you here?" he looks at her hand that is holding a paper. "And... what is that?"

Ziyi was at the verge of running again but she tried to remain calm, she explained as fast as she can, "Oh, I'm here to get Yibo's papers. He's going to Korea and these are important." After that, she stepped back and was about to run away but halted when a hand grabbed her wrist.

Xiao Zhan, "What? Yibo? Korea? Why?"

Ziyi was already furious. She wants to hurry up but got stopped by this dumbass. Plus, he even dares to mention Yibo's name. But she just exhaled all of it and faced Xiao Zhan again. "I said, he's going to Korea, that's it." She turned to run again but Zhan tightened his grip.

Xiao Zhan, "Why?"

Ziyi seriously wants to slap him across the face right now and explain everything, she said, voice cold, trying to suppress her anger. "Let go."

Xiao Zhan, "No, tell me, why is he going to Korea? When is he coming back? Or... w-will he come back?"

Ziyi heaved as she clenched her fist. She turned around, opened her hand and the next thing she knew was that she already slapped Doctor Xiao. "You— how dare you! Why are you even asking? What's the point of asking?"

Xiao Zhan was stunned. He held his cheeks that Ziyi slapped, speechless.

Ziyi couldn't take it anymore and shout, "Doctor Xiao! Do you know how much he suffered?! Do you know how he cried pitifully every night?! Do you know that he broke up with you so that you can continue your studies abroad?! He knows if he doesn't break up with you, you will miss your opportunity to study abroad! Do you know— he— he..."

Xiao Zhan's eyes fluttered, as though understanding what she meant.

Ziyi, "HE KEPT HIS PROMISE! He adopted a child for you! Doctor Xiao, can't you see? Can't you feel it?"

Xiao Zhan's tears began forming at the side of his eyes as he listened.

Ziyi, "He— He still loves you! He kept on loving you all these years! You— are a heartless bastard." She said and turned around, leaving the already crying Xiao Zhan. She paused for a second and said, "He wants to go to Korea to forget about you and start again." A pause. "His flight is at 8:00 am. If you still love him then stop him but if you don't then stay here." After that, she left.


Sorry if the pacing is quite fast sjxhhd I can't really squeeze everything in here brh but yeah I hope you can still understand? ( ; _ ; )/~~~

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