Chapter 5

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Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo tried their best to remain calm despite the awkward situation. They didn't even notice that the other is already blushing because they were too focused on calming themselves.

After Doctor Xiao fed Yibo a few spoons of porridge, Wang Yibo finally said, "I-I'm full."

Of course, it was a lie. He was too uncomfortable and might not control himself later on, so he just lied.

Xiao Zhan placed the spoon and bowl on the table. "Ok then, lay down and take a rest."


Xiao Zhan picked up the bed tray table and took a step back before turning to leave.

Wang Yibo, "Zhan, wait..."

Hearing this, Xiao Zhan halted and turned around, forcing a smile. "What?"

Wang Yibo gave the other a faint smile as well, but his' wasn't forced nor fake, it was a genuine smile but it wasn't too obvious. After a moment, he said, voice low, "Thank you."

Xiao Zhan was caught off guard. He doesn't know what to say or what to do. After three years, he finally saw the smile of the one that he loves. Even if it wasn't that wide, it was enough to make him happy.

A moment passed and they were still staring at each other.

Xiao Zhan finally said, "Thank you, too." He smiled at him, this time, not forced. It was a genuine smile for the man he loves.

Wang Yibo was stunned. What did Zhan thank him for? For breaking up with him and let him chase his dream? For not being a burden for three years? For breaking his heart every single night, crying? Which one?

Wang Yibo's eyelashes fluttered downwards. "I see, you moved on already?"

The curtains of Xiao Zhan's eyes fluttered downwards as well, trying to hold back his tears. "Mn..."

It's better like this. If he pretends not to love him then maybe, just maybe, he will indeed move on from the past, maybe he can still start again, maybe he can still mend his broken heart. But how? He loved him for years and he still loves him now.

Wang Yibo smiled bitterly, not knowing that the other is also suffering. "Mn. Good for you. Good for both of us. We already moved on." He paused and heaved, before continuing, "Please, take care."

'Please, take care'

The last sentence hurts more than a dagger. Wang Yibo let go of him already. So why is he still holding on?

Xiao Zhan stepped back and turned around, before saying, "Take care, too."

He left.

Wang Yibo tried so hard not to reach him. He badly wants to stand up and stop the man that he loves from walking out of the door. But he can't, he couldn't. He was such a coward that he couldn't even fight for his love. It's already like this, just bear with it. It's already like this. Yeah. Three years without him, maybe he can still live without him, maybe he can still try to walk alone in the endless darkness. Just hoping...

Wang Yibo just sat down on the bed. He didn't do anything but stare at the door, where Xiao Zhan left. Minutes passed and he still couldn't stand up. As if his body was glued to the bed, preventing him from standing.


Just this once, let him be selfish again, please.


For some reason, he found the courage to run back to his love and chase him again.


He stood up and ran to the door, opening it.

There, he saw strangers instead of his love.


He was already too late. Xiao Zhan is too far from him, he can't reach him, even if he wants to.

"Zhan, please, just... come back, come back."

He couldn't stop his tears from falling. It feels like the conversation they had earlier is going to be the last. It feels like they won't meet again. He was already so close earlier, if only... if only he was brave enough to reach him, if only he has the courage to tell him his real feelings then maybe, things wouldn't have turned out this way.

"Zhan, come back, turn around, please..."

In the end, even if he tried to reach his love there was no one to hold him, no one to catch him, no one to return to.

Wang Yibo just gave up and went back inside his room. Just what is he thinking? Running back? Going back? What a joke. He still ended up alone in this darkness he's in. Living in a place where there's no light. Now tell me, how dare he run back to Xiao Zhan. How dare he love him, after breaking up with him.

What a joke—

The next day, Wang Yibo was still in the hospital. He didn't ask Xiao Zhan to take care of him any longer as it will be awkward. Instead, he asked Meng Ziyi to come with her baby because no one can take care of the little child.

When Ziyi came, she saw her friend's eyes were red, maybe he cried the whole night. At first, she thought of comforting him, but she just let go of that thought, thinking that Wang Yibo needs a little space and privacy.

Wang Yibo smiled, looking at his friend's son. "Fanxing is growing."

Ziyi also smiled. "Yeah, are you ready to become a father?"

Wang Yibo took a glance at her. "Mn, he's going to be my son soon, haha! Too bad he only saw his other father once."

Zheng Fanxing is Meng Ziyi's son. Ziyi's boyfriend at that time abandoned them when she already gave birth because they were too young and he was afraid of his responsibilities. Ziyi was devastated and didn't know what to do, she wanted to leave the child to an orphanage but Wang Yibo came and decided to adopt the child.

Ziyi stared at her friend for a while. "Yibo, are you okay with taking care of Fanxing alone?"

Wang Yibo, "Mn, I already learned how to do it properly."

Ziyi sighed and sat on the bed. "Yibo, I don't know what happened between you and Zhan but I do advise you to talk to him first. You don't know what he feels too, you know."

Wang Yibo smiled bitterly, the pain in his eyes is visible yet he still tried to hide it. "He said he already moved on. It's fine, I can take care of our child alone."


Sorry for the errors! Please do tell me if I have some, your help would mean a lot (●''●)~~~

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