Hearts Made of Glass

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Hello, dear readers! I've been thinking about writing a story where they used to be boyfriends and stuff and this plot has been stuck in my head for weeks but I don't how to start it. Then the blessing came! I saw a comment somewhere on YouTube about being a doctor and all (which made me motivated) so if the prologue is kinda familiar to you then maybe you saw the comment but don't worry the plot is different from the comment, the prologue was just inspired by the comment lololl

Btw, the child is not y̶e̶t̶ Yibo's son




I broke up with him because I was afraid. He loves me so much and he's willing to sacrifice everything for me. But we were too young back then and we are living with the expectations of our parents. He has no other choice but to respect my decision, he tried to understand me.

Six years later I entered my office and saw him with a girl and a baby, he said, "Hi! We're here for our daughter's check-up."

[I'm not sure if that's the exact words that she used since I didn't took a screenshot of it, I just memorized it lololl]



• this is just a work of fiction
• typographical and grammatical errors ahead
• Zhan and Yibo are in the same age in this story
• same height



Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo are match made in heaven. They love each other dearly and protected each other's perfect hearts. Suddenly, Wang Yibo broke up with Xiao Zhan which left both of their hearts shattered- yes, both.

But what if fate decides to bring these two shattered hearts back for the second time and make them realize that they still love each other? Only that this time, both of them have different lives and there seems to be a barrier between them, preventing them from reaching each other's hands.

Will they break the barrier between them and reach each other's hands again? Or will they continue to take different paths and live with shattered hearts?



Hearts Made of Glass

By: _namnam_

By: _namnam_

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