Chap. 2

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After detention, I headed to Economics class. Passing down one of the hallways, I suddenly got jerked into one of the janitor’s closets. By the time I knew what was happening, the person had his hand over my mouth to keep me from screaming. No, no, no! Please, don’t let this be happening!  I thought to myself, thinking I was going to get raped. But when everything registered, I felt those same sparks. Jacob! Maybe he brought me here to tell me he accepts me.

“I can’t believe this! I am mated to a weak pathetic mutt! Yeesh, you’d think the wolf spirits give me a better mate, someone who can actually do something right! I love Ashley and am NOT leaving her for you.” Jacob said while shooting daggers at me. My eyes widened once again (seems like I’m doing that a lot today) and I cowered over in fear of what was coming next.

“No, please, I’ll change, please don’t reject me!” I pleaded, tears streaming down my face.

“STOP CRYING!” He shouted, disgust written on his face. I muffled my sobs but the tears still streaked down my face.

“Amber Erela Roken, I, Jacob Hawk, reject you as my mate and as future Luna to my pack.” Jacob said. As soon as those words left his mouth, a pain came to my heart, shredding and tearing it apart. I screamed in pain as he walked out of the closet, leaving me alone. I never imagined a pain like this, as if a wild animal got hold of it, tore and ripped it, then set it on fire.

10 minutes later, I shakily sat up and decided it was time. My mate rejected me, my brother and sister never talk to or see me anymore, and the pack hates me. So I’ll give them a favor. I’ll leave.

I went home, not bothering to finish the school day. I packed my clothes, necessities, and some pictures of when we were one big happy family. When I got done, I left a note for my brother and sister saying:

Dear Sammy and Matt,

I’ve left the pack and am never coming back. Everyone has been bullying me and you guys have encouraged it and also ignored me. I was bullied and beaten for 2 years and you guys have only laughed and went to go party. I’m SICK of it. I’m sick of YOU. You guys were supposed to love me and care for me, but nooo, Matt goes partying and gets drunk, and you Sammy push me around like your maid when you ARE here.  You put shame and dishonor to our parents. You have now gotten what you wanted, hope you are happy. Goodbye, strangers.


I put the note on the fridge where they could see it, took one look at the house again, jumped in the extra car used for emergencies, and ran. Running was one of the things I did a lot. I ran from the bullies, ran from my siblings, and now I’m running from the world. I stopped for a minute just before I left the pack border. I had to seal myself inside the car or otherwise they’d find me.  I put the car AC on circulate, made sure the windows and doors were closed, and even sprayed some perfume in case any of my smell leaked out. I don’t know where I was going, but I’m sure it will be far, far away from this hellhole. I passed the border, not once looking back.


After I confronted Amber in the closet, I’ve been in a bad mood. Ashley and my friends kept asking me what was wrong, and I just waved them off saying I felt a little sick. I didn’t see Amber for the rest of the day and was very glad I managed to hurt her. I may sound like a selfish and sick guy, but she has done a lot of wrong to the pack and she is a really weak wolf. She could never lead my pack. I am going to mark Ashley when I get done with the school year. She is born to rule, not like that pathetic excuse of a mate.

School got done and I got into my black mustang and drove home. On the way, I got a phone call from Matt, Amber’s older brother.

“Hey, Matt. What’s up?” I said, looking at the time. Usually, he should be at college with Sammy right now, and I was wondering what he was doing home.

“It’s Amber, she’s gone.” Matt sounded like he was in pain, but why? He never cared for his sister. I heard crying in the background, and recognized it as Sammy, Amber’s older sister.

“How do you know she’s not shopping?” I asked, sounding bored.

“She left a note. It said that she left for good and is never coming back. It says that she hates us and that we dishonor and put shame to our parents name.” He sounded so heartbroken, how dare she say that! Matt and Sammy are wonderful people.

“Don’t worry man, we never have to see her face again, and she was lying about dishonoring your parents name. They would have been ashamed of her, not you guys!” I said, trying to cheer him up.

“How could you say that! I don’t sound like this because I’m hurt at what she said! I’m hurt because I failed as a big brother! I failed for being there for her when she needed it! I even encouraged it!” Matt said, and in the background, I heard more sobs. I suddenly realized what he was saying and understood.

“Matt, is there anything you want me to do?” I said, putting fake sympathy in my voice. I honestly didn’t care where she was, and was actually glad she was gone. Matt and Sammy, on the other hand, didn’t.

“Yeah, find her! Find her and bring her back so I can apologize!” Matt wailed and I heard faint sniffles coming from him.

“I’ll see what I can do, man. But no promises.” I said.

“Oh thank you, thank you! I never knew how much I let her down.” He replied. Damn, I didn’t think he cared about her THAT much.

I heard some shuffling on the line and Sammy’s voice filled my ear. “Jacob, find her or I will personally rip your dang head off!” Her voice wavered but still held the threat.

“I’ll do the best I can, but like I told Matt, no promises, OK?” I said.

“OK. Thanks Jacob.”

Then, the phone went dead. And little did they know that I was the one who caused this. This was going to be the fun rest of my life.

That is, until I started thinking about her.

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