Chap. 3

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Chap. 3

I was driving for hours only stopping to use the restroom or get gas. It was dark and I was on an old back road in Kentucky, and I was thinking that the road map had told me wrong. To enhance my bad luck, the car started smoking and eventually quit. I groaned and popped the hood, waving the smoke away as I did so. “Crap, there’s no water in here.” I said softly to myself, while looking around for any signs of civilization. Finding none, I only had one choice. I had to shift wolf and carry my belongings.

 I went to the trunk of the car and got out the duffle that I packed my stuff in. At least it wasn’t heavy. I went behind a tree with my bag in hand and took my clothes off. I put them in the bag and zipped it back up then changed into my wolf. I was small for a wolf, because since I lived in the pack house, everyone was constantly bulling me and I was never allowed outside. So my wolf never developed much. I grabbed the bag in my mouth and started running.

 My mind wandered, to my parents, siblings, and my personal worst, Jacob. Thankfully I was wolf and could not shed any tears, but inside my heart shredded all over again. My wolf took over for a split second dropped the bag, and let out a long mournful howl into the night. I regained control again and picked my bag back up. I had never learned to control my wolf, but she knew what I had to do and let me have control back.

‘Thanks for letting me have control back’ I said. ‘You’re welcome.’ She hadn’t said anything since he rejected me, and when she said that, her voice sounded so broken, most likely because of hers and mine mate. I whined to let her know how I felt and continued running.

I don't know how long I ran, just that I ran. I couldn't run fast because of how small and weak I was, but I did all I could. My body was screaming for me to stop, to take a break, to rest. But I still ran. I felt the anger and betrayal towards Jacob, towards Sammy, towards Matt, towards everyone. That anger and betrayal fueled my legs and body to keep going. Finally, after hours of running, I collapsed. I doubted I got far since I was so slow, but it was better than nothing. I lay on the floor for a little while thinking of my parents, before my head drooped, my eyes closed, and I fell asleep.

"What should we do with her, boss?" I faintly heard a male voice say.

"Wake the damn thing up Wyatt, that's what!" I heard another male say. My shoulder was roughly shaken and I reluctantly opened my eyes and saw two big guys, both with scars on their faces and arms. I discreetly sniffed the air and my eyes widened. 'Hunters' my wolf said, and I whimpered. The hunters must have realized that I knew what they were. "Change back girlie and I won't hurt ya too much." The older of the two sneered with an evil glint in his eye. 'Don't do it, that way he'll kill us' my wolf whimpered. I felt just as bad, so I got on my back and displayed my belly to them. I wanted my misery to end.

"Well, if that's how it's gonna be girlie, I have no choice."

I closed my eyes, waiting for the silver bullet. But instead of the bullet, I got hit with a needle type thing. I opened my eyes and saw a dart. I looked up at the hunter with horror in my eyes, while he was laughing a horrible laugh. Suddenly, my bones began to break back to their original forms. 'Oh no! They injected Milacomen into us!' My wolf said and I inwardly sobbed. Milacomen was a substance created by hunters to change us back to human forms and keep us from accessing our wolf. It usually lasted 24-36 hours, depending the strength. As soon as I had fully changed, I tried to cover up my private parts, but failed miserably. 

"We're gonna have fun today, eh Wyatt?"

"Sure are Teak!" Wyatt said while looking at me with lust in his eyes. I shuddered although I tried not to.

"See girlie, what we do is when we find girls like you, innocent and alone, we take their innocence and then kill 'em. So get up!" He said the last part roughly and I had no choice but to obey. 'At least after this we'll die.' 'Yeah, we will, and I can't wait.' I replied to my wolf.

BWAHAHAHA CLIFFIE!!! Nawww, since I’m in a good mood, you’ll see her outcome, and her outcome only for now. If she has one! Bwahaha!! *walks backwards into shadows with a malicious grin on my face*

“Oh we are so gonna have fun.” ‘Teak’ said, and took long strides towards me. When he got to me, he smelled my hair and sighed. “You smell good.” He whispered in my ear and I shuddered again. “Take off my pants, slut.” I did what he said with little complaint. As he was fixing to enter me, three wolves came out of the woods and leapt onto the hunters. Teak was holding me up so when they attacked, he loosened my grip on me and I fell and hit my head. I stayed awake just long enough to see the hunter’s throat get ripped out and I fell into the welcomed darkness.

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