Chap. 5

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I stopped abruptly and looked in awe at the sight before me. A 4 story grand house that was big enough to be a 5 star hotel loomed before me. It had 4 pillars holding the front porch, stretched all the way from the 4th floor to the ground. A sparkling lake to the left behind the house held jet skis and fishing boats. A playground was beside the lake, facing the house, with picnic tables lining the water's edge. The place looked more like a freakin park than a pack house!  As I was thinking about how they could afford such a wonderful place, their name clicked. I had heard Jacob and Matt talking about them when I was bringing them coffee one day. I shivered at the memory. The Full Moon Pack was the biggest pack in the eastern part of the US! I turned around to Alpha Henry with a look of disbelief.

"Pardon your pack's name?" I asked, wanting to make sure that I was on the right track.

Alpha Henry began, "It's the Full Moon Pack. Ha-" "It's the coolest pack ever!" Kayley butted in, jumping up and down.

I smiled; I really liked Kayley and the Alpha. I just hope their pack liked me. "As I was asking before I was so rudely interrupted, have you heard of it?"  Alpha asked me, while narrowing his eyes at Kayley, who grinned.

"Yessir, my former alpha talked about you every now and then. You guys are the biggest pack in the east, aren't you?" I said.

"Well, if you want to think of it that way, then yes. And please, no formalities. Just call me Henry and you can just say yeah or stuff like that. Yessir makes it sound like my dad." Alp- no Henry said while smirking at me. I grinned, something I rarely do, and turned back to the house. "Well, let's go. I'll introduce you to the pack when I host the pack meeting tonight. I started getting nervous, what if they don't like me?

As if Henry read my mind, "Don't worry, they'll love ya."

"Are you sure?" I asked, unsure whether he knew for sure.

"Sure, I know my pack like the back of my hand. Trust me." He said.

We walked into the house getting some curious stares and I ducked my head. Though I didn't get a good look when I got inside, I could tell that it was amazing. I said to myself that I'd look at it later. We came to a mahogany door and Henry knocked. "Dad, can we come in?"

"Sure, c'mon." I heard a rough voice say. Henry opened the doors and I saw a huge office with bookshelves lining the walls, a desk that was well organized, and a man sitting behind it. He was about 50 years old, short brown military hair, icy blue eyes and a hard gaze. From the looks of it, he was a very well-built man, and I could see where Henry and Kayley got their looks from. I shifted nervously while he assessed me and his eyes came back to meet mine and I looked away. "So you must be the one Eli was talking about." His voice was rough and gravelly and had a hint of southern accent in it, but it suited him. I nodded my head while saying "Yessir."

He smirked, "Well what he said was an understatement, you're more than pretty." I blushed, but remembering my manners, I said, "Thank you, sir."

He stuck his hand out, "My name's Seth. Nice to meet you. "

I put my little hand in his big one and replied, "Mine’s Amber, and same here sir."

"Please, don't call me sir, it's just Seth. Sir makes me sound old." He said while smiling.

"Dad! That's my line!" Henry whined, and I giggled.

 "Well how can I help it if we think alike? I don't wanna be older than I feel! And today, I feel young, NOT old." Seth retorted, and I suppressed a full-out laugh, but it came out anyway. I laughed for a good 2 minutes and tears were in my eyes by the time I got done.

 "Are you done now?" Seth said, sending me into another fit of giggles. Seth and Henry rolled their eyes simultaneously, and I wished for a second me and my dad could have been like that, but I pushed it back. I got done and Seth said, “Finally, I thought you were gonna die for a second. Well, I gotta get back to work, so I’ll see you young people later.” Seth said while putting emphasis on young. I smiled, “Nice to meet you, Seth.” “Same here.” Seth said while waving.

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