6. Sweet Emotion

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We all walked downstairs back to the party. God help me, Tommy knew. I gave kaizü a nervous smile and she gave one back.

When we got to the bottom of the stairs everyone was standing there.

"Hey guys! Where have you been?" Asks Steven.

"Well kaizü and Y/N-" Tommy begins.

"We were showing Tommy us playing! Like instruments! We want to be in a band in the future, yep." I say.

"No way! I wanna hear you guys play!" Exclaims Duff.

"Yeah well actually we used-" kaizü begins.

"Everyone, go into the garage where kaizü and Y/N will be performing!" Vince shouts to the whole party.

Everyone cheers and makes their way into the garage. I look at kaizü with wide eyes.

Tommy runs to the garage and we follow slowly behind.

"What the fuck are we gonna do?" Asks Kaizü.

"What's a song we show our full potential in? Like show them we are musicians?" I ask.

We both look at each other at the same time.

"Sweet Emotion." We both say.

We run into the garage and see everyone standing waiting. I go over to Tommy and tap his shoulder.

"Can you play drums for us?" I ask.

"Hell yeah dude! What song we playing?" He asks.

"Sweet Emotion by Aerosmith." I say.

He nods and pats my shoulder making his way over to his drumset.

I go over to Duff and tap his shoulder.

"Hey Duff, could you play bass for us? Tommy will tell you what song we are playing." I say. 

"Really you want me to play?" He asks in disbelief.

"Hell yeah, your Duff fucking Mckagan." I say.

He smiles and runs over to his bass picking it up.

Kaizü had got her guitar and is adjusting her microphone.

"Hey everyone, I'm kaizü and this is my bestfriend/bandmate Y/N." She says.

I get my guitar and plug it in. I go over to the microphone.

"This is a song called Sweet Emotion." I say.

I look at Tommy and Duff and they both start to play as do we.

Sweet emotion
Sweet emotion

Kaizü and I both sing into our microphones and everyone starts to bounce their heads lightly.

You talk about things that nobody cares
Wearing out things that nobody wears
You're calling my name but I gotta make clear
I can't say, baby, where I'll be in a year

Kaizü sings the verse and everyone starts to get into the song more.

Some sweat hog mama with a face like a gent
Said my get up and go, must've got up and went
Well I got good news, she's a real good liar
'Cause the backstage boogie sets your pants on fire

I sing, and I look at Kaizü and smile.

Sweet emotion
Sweet emotion

This time the crowd join in and laugh as they sing loudly.

I pulled into town in a police car
Your daddy said I took it just a little too far
You're telling her things but your girlfriend lied
You can't catch me 'cause the rabbit done died
Yes it did

Sings kaizü and everyone cheers. Tommy and Duff also really get into the song and I look at them with joy.

Stand in the front just a shakin' your ass
I'll take you backstage, you can drink from my glass
I'll talk about something you can sure understand
'Cause a month on the road and I'll be eating from your hand

I sing the last verse and then the song is done. There is silence for a moment and then everyone cheers.

I go and hug kaizü and then hug duff and Tommy, saying thank you as I do.

"That was amazing." Says a voice.

We turn to the side and see Steven Tyler standing there.

"You girls have got what it takes to make a good band, you should try make one." He says.

We stand there in shock and Steven comes and hugs us.

Maybe time travelling wasn't so bad afterall.

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