the bitch is back

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i walked down the stairs "aye the bitch is awake" says lip as i come down the stairs "aye the dicks making coffee" i smiled "so, prison really reformed you then" i laughed "lip i was in juvey for 2 years not a nun reformatory" ian walked down the stairs on cruches "hey chris when did you get home" i turned around and gave him a hug"about 2 am lip picked me up from the gate with whats her name" i said clicking my fingers "my wife tammy" said lip sliding me a cup of coffee over the table. debbie walked down the stairs and laughed "ahhhhh your home" i grunted "get the fuck off me debbie" she continued hugging me "i missed you , you absolute bitch". mickey walked around the back entrance and raised his arms up "aye gallagher" i gave him a hug and laughed "ayye milcovich, you still gay and fucking my brother" he slapped me round the back of my head "you still as bisexual as they come" I laughed and sat back down "you bet you dicko" 

after this a really cute girl walked through the door "hey mickey you left the rings next stoor" we both locked eyes and I turned back around and chugged my coffee her and mickey both walked up the stairs "who's the girl" i said biting my lower lip "that is sandy milcovich" responded ian "she's cute" franny walked into the kitchen and gave me a really big hug "auntie chwis" i scooped her up into my arms "hi hunny you arnt the only cute girl around here anymore apparantly" she giggled in her very cute little baby way at this point sandy walked down the stairs and franny turned around and ran up to her "sandy look auntie chwis have you met her shes my favourite mummy" I looked down at franny and picked her back up "oh hunny I'm not your mummy" she jumped down and ran back over to sandy and she picked her up "shes not my mummy but I prefer her to my mummy" she whispered to sandy i sighed as debbie stormed out the house "im chris" she smiled "im sandy, so your a gallaghar" i raised my coffee mug "born and raised" she looked at me confused "ive not seen you around and im here all the time" i laughed "well i went to prison for a little bit for shooting a couple of guys, they wernt dead just a bit maimed"  she smiled "ahhh i went in for 2 for assault" "well there you go we,ve got something in common" i  smiled.

" i got to take franny to school you wanna come "I offered " she smiled yea ok can you drop me of on parksgate" i grabbed my bag and handed franny hers "ohh you a strip club person "she laughed and opened the car door "no i bartend" i put the key in ignition and franny slid into the back. I turned the key and started to pull out of the driveway when franny said "auntie chwis thinks your cuter than me so stop being nice to her and go back to being a mwean milcovihi" se couldn't quite pronounce milcovitch yet i turned around "why would you say i think shes cuter than you fran" sandy turned around as well obviously interested in the conversation "well becwause you saw sandy and when she went upstwairs you said that she was the cwutest gallaghar" sandy raised her eyerow at me and then looked back at fran "fri i think your aunties cute to" i mimed slamming my head into the wheel witch got me a laugh from sandy "i thought you stopped herting yourself" i slouched back into my chair and got a concerned look from sandy to which she discreetly rolled her sleeve up to reveal 6 scars i smiled and copied except mine were also covered in bruises.


xoxo chrissy

the bitch is back. sandy milcovitchWhere stories live. Discover now