Living in the Shadows

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Charlotte stared out of the window and watched the rain run down the glass. She sang quietly to herself.

"Here comes the rain again, falling from the stars..."

For as long as she could remember, Charlotte had loved Green Day. Their music had saved her through the difficulties she had been through. Put in an orphanage when she was a baby, no family to really call her own.

It wasn't fair. A lot of the children she shared the house with had regular visits from their parents, but Charlotte didn't even know who her parents were.

She trotted over to her guitar in the corner of the room. It was blue, like Billie Joe's. She had named it 'Blue The Second'. Charlotte grabbed hold of the guitar pick and started strumming.

"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road. Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go. So make the best of this test and don't ask why..."

At least twenty minutes had passed and she heard someone calling her name.

"Lottie! Lottie!" It was her best friend Jack. "Lottie, are you coming down for pizza? Have you been playing your guitar again?"

"Yeah I have Jack why?"

"Can I listen?"


Charlotte started up Good Riddance again and soon they were both singing along together.

They finished in perfect harmony.

"It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right. I hope you had the time of your life."

Jack stared deeply into Charlotte's eyes and she turned away so he wouldn't see her blushing.

"You've really got something there Charlotte Armstrong."

The moment was soon over by the matron knocking on the door shouting.

"Charlotte Armstrong and Jack Staple! What on Earth are you doing? I told you to come down and eat ten minutes ago!"

Charlotte and Jack shuffled to the door and apologised.


"Well you should only be sorry for yourselves. There will be no food left if you don't hurry up."

Charlotte and Jack raced into the dining hall and sat down next to each other, grabbing a slice of pizza each.

Charlotte wasn't really friends with the other girls. All except one, Jasmine.

They had been friends since Charlotte had come to the orphanage when she was a month old. Jasmine was here when she got here but was only a couple of months older.

Jack and Jasmine were good friends too so all three of them often hung out together.

"So, Rock, what stupid music are you playing now?"

Charlotte winced at the nickname, Rock. She had earned it when she was nine, when Francesca, the orphanage bully, and her small crew, threw stones at Charlotte's window. It was also a play on words because she liked Green Day.

"It's not stupid and I don't have to talk to you if I don't want to."

She turned her back and carried on talking to Jack and Jasmine.

Francesca and her sly followers stormed away disgustedly.

"So what are you gonna do tonight?" Charlotte asked.

"Well we could watch a film? It is the half term after all."

"Sounds good."


"Well that was... interesting."

"Come on Jas, it was good."

"Okay then it was good. But I'm tired now. We have to go to bed."

Jack headed to the boys corridor and Charlotte and Jasmine turned the opposite way towards the girls corridor.

"Goodnight girls."

"Night Jack." They said together.

Charlotte lay down and wondered if she would ever find her real parents. And if she did, would they want her...?

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