Chapter 10:

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When they arrived back home they noticed a man was sitting on the porch.

"Who the fuck..". Dream said but stopped as he pulled into his drive way to see that it was Quackity. 

"Where the fuck were y'all?!"  Quackity yelled out. 

"HAVING FUN!"  Sapnap shouted jumping out of the car and running into Quackity. 
   Karl stepped out the car too distracted by his new friend to even say hi to Quackity.

"Hey Quackity!"  George said while stepping out of the car. 

"What up Quack!"  Dream said bumping into Quackity. 

"Fucking full of energy!" 

"Oh hey Quackity."  Karl said as he finally noticed that Quackity was right in front of him. 

"What's that?"

"My new friend!"  Karl said with a smile.
    After saying their hello's they finally got in the house and settled. 

"So why did you come so early?"  Dream asked while setting up a game of Guess Who.

"I was bored and just wanted to come early." 
  George sat down on the floor cris cross facing Dream who was sitting on the couch.
   Karl wouldn't let go of that stupid frog for 5 seconds. 

"Karl it's not going anywhere just put it down."  Sapnap shouted at Karl.
Karl rolled his eyes and placed his frog safely next to him.  
                5:00 pm

  They had been playing for an hour.
George kept trying to hold back his yawns and succeeded until Sapnap yawned causing him to yawn. 

"This is boring."  Sapnap said in a sleepy tone.
   Karl was cuddling his frog as he was falling asleep.  Quackity was asleep on the floor. 

"I'll go order dinner."  Dream said, standing up to stretch.  Sapnap looked at Karl and Quackity as he said,

"Those lazy mother fuckers." 
George looked at Sapnap who was dozing off.

"Says you."  George said. 
George stood up almost falling over and walked upstairs to the bathroom.  He walked into the bathroom and flipped the switch.  He closed his eyes due to the brightness of the light. 

"Ow- shit."  He said on accident.
He shut the door so he could use the bathroom in private.
   After he washed his hands and fixed his hair a bit, he opened the door to see a tall man standing outside on his phone.

"Were you waiting to use the bathroom?"  George asked as he was just about to flip the switch. 
  Dream looked down at George and said

"I was gonna ask if you wanted pizza, they all fell asleep so." 

"Oh." George said flipping the switch and walking out.   Dream followed behind him.

"Uh sure."  He said walking downstairs to see the other three sleeping. 
  George silently giggled while walking into the kitchen.

"What are you giggling about?"  Dream asked as he sat down on the stool in front of the counter that divided the kitchen and the living room. 

"Sapnap called them lazy for sleeping."  He said with an evil smile on his face.
  Dream looked at Sapnap then back at George and winked. 

"What kind of pizza?" 

"Uhhhh-". George didn't know what kind.  He turned around as he grabbed a glass cup.

"Cheese?"  He asked as he put ice in his cup. 
  Dream looked up from his phone to look at George.

"You sure?"  He asked before clicking on the cheese pizza.
  George poured himself water as he turned his body around to face Dream and leaned on the counter next to the fridge.

"I'm positive."  He said.
   Dream looked back at his phone and ordered cheese pizza. 

"It will be here in 20-25 minutes." 

"That's quick!" 
Dream set his phone down and got off the stool.

"They are quick there." He said walking over to George who was still leaning on the counter drinking his water.
  George set his cup down beside him as he saw Dream move closer to him.
  Dream rested his arm on the cabinet above George while peering down at him.
   George slid himself up a bit so that he was no longer leaning on the counter.

"You know..". Dream said as he moved his face closer to George's.
  George tried backing up but couldn't, making the back of his head hit the edge of the cabinet.
"I haven't forgotten about what happened back at the arcade."  He whispered in a low tone giving George shivers.  He was now close enough to kiss George.  George lowered his eyes so he could see the tall mans lips.  Dream leaned closer in. George waited for a warmth on his lips. But it never happened all he felt was a cold finger press against his lips.  He didn't even realize Dream was THIS close but he stopped a kiss with his thumb.
    He slide his thumb over George's lips as he backed away.  George hovered his pointer and middle finger over his lips as he processed what just happened.
   Oh yeah...He fucked up BIG time....

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