Chapter 15

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"WHAT THE-". George jumped to his side sticking out his phone.  Dream fell down wheezing. 

"I hate you!"  George said crossing his arms. 
Dream looked up at George in the dark with only his phone for light source.  He continued to die on the floor.  George rolled his eyes and walked away.  Dream finally got back and stood up running down the hall.  He let out a couple more laughs.

"What the fuck happened?"  Quackity asked turning his head to George who was walking downstairs. 

"Oh nothing almost just fucking beat the shit out of Dream!"  He said throwing his phone onto the couch in front of the tv.  Due to the sun light being completely gone, there was no light so no one could see that George wasn't wearing any pants. That was until he stepped out in front of the couch.  The TVs bright light glowed onto George. 

"That's sus..". Sapnap said with a smirk.  George jerked his head to Sapnap as he sat down on the left cushion, the one that was closest to the kitchen. 

"Your fucking disgusting." He said sliding over the right cushion changing his mind.  The three laughed.  Dream walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of popcorn as he switched off the light making him disappear. 

"Is there a way to turn the brightness on the tv down just a little?" George asked scrunching his eyes.  Dream gave the popcorn bowl to George as he grabbed the remote. 

"Make sure there's no light!"  Quackity said as he turned the brightness down. 
  Once they were satisfied with the brightness he sat down and started scrolling through the movies. 
   He stopped and threw the remote to Quackity. 

"You find one."  He said grabbing a single piece of popcorn.  George threw his feet up onto the couch slightly curling into a ball.  Dream looked over and smiled though George wasn't even paying attention. 
   George kept moving feet deeper into the couch cushions to try and get comfortable. 

"How about that one?"  Quackity said clicking the movie.  Dream looked up to look at it. 

"Sure."  He said.  Quackity looked at George one last time before he clicked play and said,

"Enjoy~". He said with and evil look on his face with his hand that held the remote up and clicked.  George made a small whimper as the tv turned black.

"Ok no talking during it!"  Sapnap said.  Dream wheezed as he got comfortable. 
  The movie was 2 hours long.  George wasn't having it.  They were only 40 minutes in yet George would jump and/or scream at any pop ups.  George reached into the bowl as Dream did causing both their hands to touch. They quickly jerked back not looking at each other. 

"Sorry."  George leaned over the bowl and whispered.  He didn't know how close he was to Dream until he heard Dream.

"It's ok."  Dream whispered back.  George felt his hot breathe on his ear. He squeezed his eyes shut and blushed as he leaned back. 


  Dream slightly jumped as George jumped.  They looked at each other trying not to laugh.  George reached his hand intro he bowl as he fished for more popcorn. After a minute of trying to get some he turned to the bowl to see that it was empty. 

"AwWw!"  He whispered a little loud.  Dream turned.

"What?"  He whispered.  George looked up at Dream before pointing to the bowl.  Dream looked down at the bowl.
  He looked back up and chuckled.

"What do you want more?"  He asked trying to contain a wheeze.  George shrugged.  Dream grabbed the bowl and made his way back to the kitchen.  George watched as he reached the kitchen.  He turned back to the tv as he could tell something was about to happen.  He quickly but quietly got up and sped walked to the kitchen.

"Aw is Gogy scared?"  He said in a baby voice.  George rolled his eyes. 

"Shut up you jumped a couple of times!"  He stated leaning against the counter beside the fridge crossing his arms.  Dream's eyes slowly turned to look at George.  He couldn't really see the short boy due to no light but he knew what he looked like.  He bit his bottom lip as he unwrapped the package.  George twisted his body around to Dream, arms still crossed as he leaned his head and the edge of the cabinet. 

"Are they sleeping?" Dream asked placing the popcorn into the microwave.  George shrugged but Dream couldn't see. 

"Maybe..there's no telling it's too dark."  He said squinting his eyes hoping that would give him better vision.  As the popcorn popped Dream turned around and placed his hands on the edge of the counter.  George brought his eyes back to Dream as he heard him sigh.  Dream slowly leaned his head back making it hit the cabinet.  He looked up as his slid down a bit.  George watched his every move. 

"I'm sure they are-". Dream started but was interrupted.

"AHHHHH YOU MOTHER FUCKER!"  Sapnap yelled.  George and Dream both shot their heads to the screaming.  They knew for a fact that wasn't the tv.  Dream got up and walked out the kitchen and into the living room.  George watched. 

"What the hell."  Dream said starring at Sapnap. 

"Sorry Karl decided to fucking slam himself back and bump into my legs hard!"  Karl laughed.  Dream wheezed. 


  The popcorn was done.  George quickly opened the microwave and pulled out the popcorn.   He shook it before opening it and pouring all of it into the bowl.  He grabbed the bowl and ran back to the living room.  Dream caught his breath as he watched George place the bowl onto the coffee table.

  They were an hour and 30 minutes into the movie.  George was surprised he was still awake.  It was 2:30 am.  Karl was knocked out, Quackity was so invested in the movie, and Sapnap was on his phone.  Dream let George have the last piece of popcorn before grabbed the bowl and placing it back onto the coffee table.  George got up and darted towards the kitchen. He quickly opened the fridge and grabbed a glass water bottle.  He shut the fridge and ran back to the living room. 

"Dream?"  He whispered as he sat down. Dream turned. 


"Oh nothing."  He said opening the bottle.  Dream smirked as he looked back to the tv. 
  George chugged the water til it was empty. He panted as he placed the empty bottle down on the coffee table.  Dream laughed. 

"Come here."  Dream said patted next to him.  George looked at Dream then at his his hand.  He rolled his eyes and slid closer.  Dream reached out to pull George closer to him.

"This is why they question us."  George said repositioning himself.  Dream laughed as he kicked his feet up on the couch.  George slid himself beside Dream, sinking into his side. Dream sighed as he wrapped his arm around George.  George curled up and placed his hand on Dream's chest. George shot his eyes to Quackity.  Thankfully Quackity was passed out.  But was Sapnap...?

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