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The first thing he feels after regaining consciousness is a strong sting in the back of his head, as if hundreds of sharp needles were dogging into his brain. He tries to move, but his limbs feel too heavy: he hasn't felt this pain since the day he became... whatever he is now. His temples are pulsing, and his jaw hurts. What happened?

He doesn't remember it clearly. There was... a dark alley. He knows this for sure. Dong-Ho was there. Yes, Dong-Ho... the bastard was terrified. Sick satisfaction fills him when an image of the man in grey suit crouching in the trash bags appears in his head. The image disappears seconds later and is replaced by a blond boy. The feeling vanishes and guilt is quick to take its place: he hurt him. He knows this for sure. But... what then? There were two more... they were strong, much stronger than him, and...

A wave of panic takes over him when he remembers how one of them threw the last punch. He must have blacked out afterwards: but how long has he been out? Why does he feel so weak? It feels like ages... but doesn't it mean he has a concussion? You shouldn't be out for long, otherwise it would be a sign of a brain damage... Does he have a brain damage? Is he going to die after all? He lets out a weak sigh, frustrated.


He is not alone. Something close to him moved, he can feel it. Adrenaline kicks in, and he opens his eyes immediately. His pupils extend in shock: a blond-haired boy's face is only centimetres away from his. He doesn't think twice: he bares his teeth and is ready to attack, but the reaction of the other is quicker. He grabs him by his arms and keeps him still, showing his own fangs and hissing. The boy tries to kick him in the stomach but fails. The blond presses down on his side, causing him to flinch and yelp — he must have got kicked in the area, and the other one knows this.

A door opens, and the blond lets go of him. He arches, sitting up straight and backing up to the edge of the bed. This is the first time he can look around the foreign room: the bed he has been laying on is king-sized, there are night stands around it, another bed across the one he is occupying and a lot of bookshelves. The door next to the other bed is open, and five — five?! — people enter. With the one that tried to keep him in place, there is six of them. Six against one. He is not bad at fighting, but there is no way he can take down six people.

He quickly scans them: the one closest to him has fangs out, ready to attack. A slim one with brown hair is leaning against the door, shielding the possible escape route. He recognizes him — it's one of the three he has met before. He is dressed in an over-sized hoodie and baggy sweatpants, and... there is something different about him, and it's not the hint of a smile that is playing on his lips. He... smells different than the rest, but not only that. For some weird reason, the boy feels like he could provide an answer to a lot of questions that have been flowing through his head.

Smaller, grey-haired one takes place by the window, blocking another way out. The blond boy from the night before takes place next to the grey-haired one, and his big eyes are watching him with curiosity. He cannot ignore a bruise on his face. Regret jumps out in the back of his head, but he pushes it back: he was just trying to protect himself. Therefore, he shouldn't feel bad, right?

The last two take few steps towards him: the one from whom he received the last punch is wearing glasses and a loose shirt, and a calming expression is portrayed on his face. And then there is the sixth one — he is almost as tall as the man standing next to him, but he is not as buff. He has dark hair and one of the most beautiful faces he has ever seen. There is a mixture of worry and caution in his face, and he has his hands in front of him, just to show there is nothing with which he could hurt him.

As if he needed any weapon for that, anyway.

He takes a few more steps towards him, and the boy hisses. He is crouched on the bed, his back pressed against the wall, trying to get as far as possible. There is no way out, and the knowledge of this brings another wave of panic, stronger than the last.

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