Chapter Twelve

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One Week Later

"I'm terribly sorry for your loss," several people told Rowan and Rylan, walking past them. Blake stared at the casket in the ground, not sure on what to do. The last time she had stood by a casket was when her brother died and now that she stood there, she didn't know what to feel.

"Blake," Lisa grabbed her arm. Blake looked back at her as she tucked her arm under Blake's.

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm selling the farm," she replied. "I'm moving with our son. They don't want me to be alone."

Nodding, Blake looked back down at the casket. Lisa glanced up at her again, studying her face.

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know now... I really don't know."

"What does your heart tell you to do?" This woman had just lost the love of her life, her best friend and she was asking Blake what she was going to do about the situation? There wasn't many women like Lisa. Looking over at her, Blake thought hard.

"What are you going to do about-," Lisa glanced back to see Ford standing by a car with his partner in the car, waiting for him. Looking back, Blake made her way towards Ford, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I'm sorry about Kent," he whispered into her ear when they embraced.

"You're off?"

"I got called to go to Jakarta," Ford nodded, looking back at her knowing what this meant for the both of them. "Will you be okay?"

"I'll be fine," Blake forced a smile but when she looked back towards Ford, her smile dropped. "Ford..."

"I hope ya get what you're lookin' for," he forced a smile.

Laughing, Blake placed her hand on his arm before glancing back at Rowan who stood, hugging Abigail. "You too."

Blake looked up at Ford again, smiling softly.

"I guess this is where we bid our farewells."

"I believe so," he nodded, taking her hand. "I'll miss ya Rusty Novatek."

"I'll miss you too, Jay O'Connor," she grinned playfully.

As they held their final embrace, they finally split ways. Blake walked up to Rowan, looking over at Abigail who smiled at her.

"I think Kent would have wanted us to take several pints in his behalf," Blake cheerfully nodded. "Rylan? What was that disgusting bar he loved?"

"The Tavern," Lisa laughed as the five of them walked down the roads of Ireland. "I love Kent but that much to head there."

"You kidding," Abigail ran forward, taking Lisa by the arm as they walked down the road. Rowan and Blake stayed behind, walking together.

"You'll be okay?"

"I will be," he nodded. "I just-."



"You have that face. What is it?"

"Kent lived a life with Lisa at an older age," Rowan began. "Do I really want to wait until then to spend my life with Abigail? I finally found the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with... do I really want to jeopardize it by the stories we find ourselves in? If you find that one person in your life, shouldn't you do what's in your power to keep it that way? Life is too short to not act on what we feel and know in our hearts... I think Kent would have wanted that."

Blake looked out ahead at the three of them, laughing about Kent's old stories.

"I think he would have," she whispered, knowing where Rowan was taking this conversation. Sighing deeply, she looked over at him. "Do you think it's a smart idea?"

"I," he dejectedly shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know."

Clenching her jaw, Blake straightened up.

"I guess we better talk to Elenor," Blake whispered.

England Courier

"Well," Blake muttered, noticing the blinds to Elenor's office closed shut. "I wonder what's up."

"We better go," Rowan made his way through the floor, politely making haste. It seemed that everyone was working today, even the ones who had gone off on holiday were back. "Elenor?"

"Is Blake with you," Elenor called from the inside. Both of them exchanged glances.

"She is," Rowan pressed his ear to the door.

"Come on in," Elenor laughed. The two of them pushed the door open to find Elenor smiling at a dark haired man seated in front of her desk. "Rowan, guess whose decided to come back?"

Cocking his head slightly, Rowan couldn't help contain the smile on his face at the sight of his dear old friend.

"Corey," Rowan exclaimed, throwing his arms him. With the cheerful laughter that filled the room, both men excitedly glanced at the other.

"You've gotten bigger," Corey teasingly patted Rowan's small belly. "Nearly a married man, workin' for it."

"God, it's been ages," Rowan couldn't let the man go. His old friend was in front of him again.

"Eleven years does a number on you," the Englishman man chuckled, eyes wandering over to the red-haired woman standing behind him. "And this is the famous Ms.Barnes."

"Right," Rowan pressed a fist against his forehead. "Corey, meet my good friend and my old partner Blake Barnes. Blake, this is my very first and last partner I had Corey Edwards."

"Read a lot about you," Corey extended his hand, noticing her skeptical look. "Papers, I've never not read an article he's put out. Yours just seemed to come hand in hand. Quite the stuff."

"Thank you," Blake shook his hand.

"Would you like to give them the news," Elenor questioned. "Or shall I?"

"Allow me," Corey smiled at Rowan. "I've officially come back and I've practically begged Elenor to let me work with you two."

Rowan's jaw dropped. Blake narrowed her eyes at Elenor who held a sly smirk on her lips, almost as if she knew.

"We'd love to," Rowan laughed. "Welcome to the club."

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