Chapter Nine

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"You break down the lab and hide it in the cellar in the barn! I'll go wake up the others," Blake ordered. Ford pulled his jacket over himself and fastened his boots. "GUYS! UP! They are coming!"

"Who," Emma asked as she tossed the blanket aside.

"Derrick's men. I don't know how they found us or even got here," Blake muttered as she saw Nolan throwing on his jacket. Ian ran his fingers through his crazy hair, looking back at Blake who pointed for everyone to head to the cellar.

Nolan helped Blake clear up their tracks that led to the barn. Ford had already dismantled the entire lab, leaving the barn as if no one else was there but the horses and several goats.

"Get in," Ian held the cellar door open, hearing the crunch of the snow under the heavy truck. Blake shut the door herself as they all bunkered down. Ford held her bow and quiver full of arrows. "What are you doing with those?"

"Leverage," Ford whispered.

Crouching behind him, Blake looked over at his trembling left hand. He had the same habit Blake did when she was under pressure. He tightened his fist around the bow to stop himself from trembling.

"Check the house," the distinctive house of Turk rang through the air. "Check the barn too!"

Everyone fell deadly silent when they heard the large barn doors open. Emma grabbed her husband's hand tightly, trying to peer through the cracks of the cellar door. Ford looked back at Nolan who had his hand in between the boards of the cellar wall. He pulled out his own bow.

"You think you're gonna be the only one," Nolan whispered. Ford smirked, looking back up at Turk who scanned the entire barn.

"The signal is here," one of the men called out. Everyone looked at one another, wondering what signal they were talking about. That's when a light flashed in Blake's head. Ford's phone! When he had previously talked to Derrick, they must have been able to pin the location, tracking him ever since!

Blake desperately searched Ford's pockets, finding the phone. She placed it under her boot, crushing the phone with little noise as possible.

"It's gone," Turk snapped. "Why is it gone?!"

"It's done," another man yelled. "Lets go!"

"The signal was right here," Turk yelled.

"We don't have time! Let's go," the men yelled. Why were they in such a hurry? The answer came to them when they smelled smoke. After hearing the truck leave, everyone emerged from the cellar to find the house on flames. They stood there watching it get engulfed. At the moment, Blake was grateful that the barn was too far away to be able to be caught on fire so they all watched it go down, with nothing to be able to do.

"Professor," Blake asked. "How are the formulas coming?"

"I'm done with Formula X but Formula E-23, I need two more hours at least."

"Good, finish it."

"We have everything we need right here. We haven't heard from Blake in three days," Rowan held the files up at Elenor. "What are we waiting for?"

"I'm transferring both of you to a safe house," Elenor looked at them. Abigail and Rowan could not believe her right now. The very man behind the MI6 would know about any safe house being used. Why was she even suggesting this? "It's not what you two think. It's a friend of mine who owes me a favor. I want both of you to bunker down until this blows over. We need Blake here and we don't know where she is anymore."

"No, I'm not going anywhere safe right now! Blake is still out there and if you think that because you can, you're going to hold us back, that's where you're very wrong," Rowan stepped closer to Elenor. "If Blake isn't safe, either am I."

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