Chapter Four

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"So, you know these people," Jay looked around at the city before them. They looked like clay houses inside the own hills and canyon sides.  "How?"

"I came a few years back and happened to do them a couple of favors."

"So these are the people you were trying to reach?"

"Yeah," Blake smiled as she set her backpack down. "I was actually just trying to come to them. You see, they aren't exactly liked by the people- which explains why that couple was after me. They don't want me going to them, since they know that I know them."

Blake observed Jay's facial expressions, hoping he could believe her lie. He only nodded, looking around at the fire they were making. The sun had finally set and everyone seemed to come out of their homes instead of going in them. It is a different culture, one that Jay found interesting.

Jay watched as Blake played with the smaller children. She would scoop them up, running after the small ball they were playing with. He leaned against a doorway, just watching her play. A warm smile grew on his face when he watched her start to braid one of the little girl's hairs. He hadn't met someone like Blake before. There was a lot underneath her that she seemed to try to hide but couldn't. He followed her for the fire, sitting by her.

"Blake Barnes. The woman of the hour. You escape from bad people, drive across the desert at top notch speeds, argue with strangers for about half the time, yet you care enough to come here to visit your friends."

"What are you trying to get at Jay," Blake looked over at him.

"Can I tell you what I can see of you?"

"Okay," Blake seemed intrigued.

Jay narrowed his eyes a bit when he saw her as he went on, "You pretend to be someone tough- which you are- but you really don't want to. You want people to see you for who you are, no one else. You don't like people to have expectations of you and you don't bring your expectations high on people either for fear of disillusionment. You are passionate for what you believe in and you stand by it, no matter what the world tells you. You're loyal- I can see it in your eyes. You care for people even if you try to show that you don't... you're broken- beautifully broken."

Blake only stared at him in disbelief. How could she be so transparent in his eyes? She looked down in fear of herself and of him. How could he know? Did he get that all from one look?

"And you," Blake immediately tried changing it towards him. "Your line of work is very dangerous, yet you seem to enjoy it."

When she said that, his expression dropped.

"You seem to live in your past," Blake looked into his eyes. "I know that because that's exactly how I use to be. I can see it in you... and you're running. You're running from it but you keep it so close to you. You keep it close to you so you know what you need to do in your life. But you don't have to, you choose to... you seem to be a very complex man but you aren't. You want to live your life but something is holding you. What is it?"

Jay got up, leaving her alone. The silence haunted Blake. She really did want to have him around and now, she ruined her chance. Looking back, she saw him disappear behind the well.

"Jay," she asked as soon as she walked over.

"I'm sorry," he looked up at her. "I didn't mean to leave you back there... I just- I never-."

Blake looked at him as he struggled with the right words. He chuckled, looking up at the starry night. Blake smiled at the stars when she heard Jay continue.

"You surprise me. I've never met someone like you," he smiled. "You're different... I guess I don't know what to do."

"I'm sorry if I-."

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