chapter 3 / pulling a pryde / tn4

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They walked a good two to three miles, until Kitty started talking again, "You know, their headquarters is like 45 minutes away from the mansion. We're gonna need a car."

"Well I don't have one,"

"So we're gonna walk 30 miles, is that it?"

"We can go steal one if that makes you feel any better."

"Professor X wouldn't like that."

"Good thing I'm not a student there."

Shaking her head, she went along with it. They were right near a gas station, Logan watching as some guy got out of his pickup truck and went inside to pay for his gas.

"Go!" he whisper yelled, as they ran towards the silver chevy, Kitty phasing Logan through the driver's front door as she went through the passengers seat.

"There's no keys," Kitty said, honestly expecting it, looking at Logan who was digging under the seat.

"There's a spare."

"Well look at that," she shrugged.

He jammed the key into the entry system as it turned on, speeding off shortly afterwards as the owner was just now coming out of the gas station.

"Great, look's like we're criminals now too."

"Haven't we always been?"

She shrugged again, as she slumped back into the seat. Hoping they would never arrive at Stark tower. Those guys were serious about what they did, and there were a lot of them too. 2 vs 15 is not a fair fight.
"Get up we're here,"

Kitty mentally cursed, before opening her eyes and saying, "Go ahead in. I'll wait in the car."

"Sorry kid, but you're my only way in. These gusy don't just let people in who knock on their door."

"Why don't you remind them that they bombed us?"

"Get up,"

She groaned and crawled her way out of the car, looking at the huge gated building, armed with a heavy security system. If she was really the key to make it through all that she didn't know how she'd do it.

"What's the plan?" she asked.

"You unarm their security system and get us through, got it?"

"Seems simple enough. Once you're through I'm staying out here."

"Nope, you're coming inside."

"Yeah, because we totally look like normal employees walking around."

"I don't but you do."

"You think I look like an intern?" she sighed, looking down at her yellow and royal blue suit.

"If you change, yeah."

"Let's just drop this conversation. Follow me." she sighed, as they walked down the fenceline, over to the left side of it and found a perfect place to get in from, holding her breath as she pulled Logan through the fence, they then sprinted over to the building.

"Phase us through!"

"Wait! What if they take us to court for breaking in? That guy would win anyday!"

"What if we win?"

"Yeah, like two homeless mutants are gonna beat some smart rich guy. Tides right in our favor, huh?"

"Just take us through!"

She frowned, stuck her head through the wall and took a peek, making sure no one was around before she pulled him through with her.

"Where do you think they all are?" she asked, once they were in.

"Probably looking for us."


"I'd hope they wouldn't just rely on their security system to tell them when there's a break in."

"I hope they do. Are we gonna fight them?"

"Only if they don't cooperate."

"That's an answer I wasn't expecting."

They walked through the HQ, getting odd looks from some but mainly avoided people just in case. Eventually, the pair found an elevator and went right in, looking at the large glass map on the wall, which showed them basically every room in the headquarters. After debating which they should choose, they went with floor 8, that had the meeting room.

Once the elevator dinged in signal that they were on their chosen floor, they slowly walked out of it, being as aware as possible of their surroundings. They tried to not walk near the glass, since basically every wall was glass here they had limited options on what they were supposed to do.

"Screw this, we're going in."

Kitty watched as Logan disappeared down the corner and into an office filled with people, taking a gamble on whether they were the Avengers or not.

"Logan! Wait!" she yelled, trying to get after him before it was too late.

He never listened. Sliding on the polished shiny floors as she rapidly turned the corner, she watched Logan angrily push open the glass door and heads turn to face him. One of the men stood up. He was tall and broad, blondish hair and wore one of the ugliest supersuits she'd ever seen, it was fully blue with some red accents and a big star at his chest.

He pulled out a shield, while metal claws emerged out of Logan's hands.

"I better jump in..." she said to herself, before getting strange looks by the other people in the room as she ran straight towards the glass, phasing through it and once again sliding as she stood there, everyone looking at her, even teh guy Logan was fighting stopped and stared.

"Listen here, arrogant little crime fighters! You dare bomb or go near my house again-!"

"Bomb? Slow down, what the hell are you talking about?" asked one of them.

"Don't be like that! The Xavier institute was bombed approximately an hour or two hours ago by Stark!"

"No we- I mean, he didn't!"

"Well why don't we turn on the news? Take a look."

Reaching over other people, she grabbed the remote and clicked on the T.V., as the voice of a news reporter discussing the recent events and video of the disarrayed mansion was seen and heard.

"That wasn't us, I swear."

"Fine, I'll just go through your computers to get the info instead. How's that sound?" she asked, looking each of them dead in the eyes as they shook their heads, "Alright guys, well we'll cya later. Come on Lo- I mean, Wolverine we've got some data to breach."

"I don't know who you guys really think you are just barging in like this."

"I don't really know who we are either, so if you could just leave us to do our thing while you guys think about what you did that'd be awesome."

"No," said the one guy Logan was by, as he stood infront of the doorway, blocking in.

"Yes," she responded, grabbing Logan as she phased them through the glass and ran back towards the elevator.

Before they knew it, annoying little red lights blinked as a voice came over and said, "Intruder Alert on: 8th floor. Building going under lockdown in 3...2...1..."

"We've been discovered. Come on, let's just go home to the others."

"No, you said it yourself we're gonna go get info from that guy."

"That was just to get them to talk! She yelled, as she was nearly hit in the back by an arrow, turning to see the guys from the meeting room, "****!"

explanation: i wrote this following along with last chapter, and had no motivation to write on top of that. but i kind of sort of really like the chapter name so that'll probably be used in the future. needless to say though, i actually had quite a lot of fun writing this chapter, using all of kat's little retorts was justbdjsklxksnjs

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