chapter 17 / weather guys detour / wanda n strange lost in space

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once again, old writing = cringy writing yikes

Blood-hurdling screams came from down the hall, as the temperature suddenly dropped and got really cold.

"What the actual h-" I started, as the speakers came on, and instead of an annoying voice, blaring 2000's music came on.

In this context, you-you, you break yo' neck

"You guys hear that!" exclaimed Kurt, as he somehow hobbled up into his feet.

You-you, you break yo' neck, you-you, you break yo' neck

"What's going on?" asked Strange.

We got five minutes, to-to, to disconnect
To-to, to disconnect, to-to, to disconnect

By this time, guards were on high alert and everyone was up on their feet, trying to figure out what was happening, besides Kurt who obviously was too excited to tell us.

We burn it 'til it's burned out
And turn it 'til it's turned out

Over the music, came a voice, "You guys feel that? Here comes your favorite, sub-zero hero!"

"And me!" exclaimed a man on fire who'd just broke through to the cells, starting to take out guards.

"Not those two wombats!" yelled Kitty, as she had seemingly stopped crying and gotten up to examine the commotion.

And act-act up-up from-from North-North, (West), E-East, South (Sou')

"So! Who wants out!" the guy asked, as his body that had previously been engulfed in flames turned out to be some blonde kid, seemingly in his early 20s.

A few seconds later, an ice guy showed up too, music still blaring.

"Oh, hey guys! I'm here, saving the day again!" he said, cockily.

"Shut up," said blonde fire kid.

"Wait a minute, hold on, who even are any of you guys?" asked Strange.

"The human torch, at your service." smiled the blonde.

"I'm Bobby," said the other one.

"Someone please kill me now." groaned Kitty.

"Yeah, and since when did you two regroup and find an understanding?" asked Kurt.

"We'll tell you about that later, but for now, we should get going." smiled Bobby, as he pressed a button on the cell control panels and each of the laser gates came down.

Everybody, everybody
Let's get into it, get stupid (come on)

"Well this should be interesting," I said, meeting back up with Strange as we followed the two boys.

"Okay everyone! So here's the plan! My guy Reed's getting us a way out of here! But he said we couldn't leave you here, so unfortunately he sent me and this lame guy to come retrieve you guys!" said Human Torch.

"Shut up," said Bobby.

"Watch out!" screamed Kitty, as two troopers came around the corner and began shooting, Bobby quickly turned around and fully froze them.

"Since when could you do that?" asked Human Torch.

"You guys and your stupidity is gonna get us killed! Now can we go get Rocket and find Reed?"

"Hold on, who's this Reed guy?" asked Strange.

"Reed Richards, y'know, Mr. Fantastic. The stretchy man, worst power out of all of us?" replied Torch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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