chapter 4 / on the run / tn4 (partial)

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Nothing was open and she had basically no friends that weren't mutants. She obviously could fight them, but then again she couldn't use her powers either. And with the condition she was in at the moment that wasn't her favorite option.

She went with literally just outrunning them. Praying they wouldn't pull out a gun or the tank wouldn't run out.

And of course, both of those things went down.

Taking a look behind her every few seconds as she watched the guy in the passenger's seat lean out the window with a black blur, as she swerved back and forth while shots were fired. And still being inexperienced with this thing was one of the most terrifying things she's had happened.

Taking a sharp turn at the corner, she started to gather a plan.



Heading down another alleyway, she drove the bike in, and then right through the wall, giggling and pumping a fist as she was spat out the other side

"Not so fast," yelled a guy, as he jumped out in front of her, blocking the way. She halted to a stop, as she got up off the bike and slowly lifted up her hands.

The guy darkly chuckled, as his eyes went cocky and he spoke through his radio, "I got one,"

"Why are you guys chasing me?" she then asked.

"You'll see," he croaked, inching towards her.

Backing up, she was given a sign and smirked.

Across the moon, swung a certain red web shooter, as he came down and kicked the guy in the back, sending him flying towards her as she phased through him.

"Was waiting for one of you guys to show up." she smartly said, walking back towards the bike, getting ready to head off again.

"Where are you going? You can't go back out there-" he stuttered.

"I have other things to worry about, like where I'm gonna go, stay and what I'm gonna do." she replied, a dark shadow crossing over her face as she turned back around to the masked figure. She'd had few interactions with this guy before, he was technically an Avenger.

"You can come with me, you're safe there."

"Safe where? You lost me at, 'you can come with me'.

"Oh- I mean, at headquarters."

"Headquarters?" she asked, listening to the guy carefully as he spoke, realizing more and more of how much of a kid he actually sounded like, "Why don't you explain to me what's going on before I go to headquarters."

"We don't have time."

"I'm not coming."

"Fine. Hydra's building a new army, taking in new experiments. Mutants, specifically."

"How'd you know I was a mutant?"

"Like you going through a wall didn't make it obvious."

"Alright, fine. Bring me to your, 'headquarters'."

"Will do, hang on." he said, putting out his hand, motioning Kitty to take it.

"No, we're taking the bike. I am not leaving this thing behind."

"It's trash,"

"Not to me, get on and direct me."


He climbed onto the back of the bike, as they sped out of the alley and back out into the street, the sun now starting to cross the horizon.

"We better hurry," he said.

"Why, got somewhere to be?" Kitty replied.

"Go left here. And yes, I do. And shouldn't a girl your age have somewhere to be as well?"

"I could care less on where I have to be at the moment." she replied, taking his direction.

"You're like, 15."

"And you sound 11."

Their quarreling went back on forth for a couple more minutes, until they finally pulled up to a large, techy-looking gate and a huge glass building.

Coming to a rough halt, the bike stopped at the gate.

"We're gonna have to leave his junk out here, come on-"

"What if I just," she looked around, pressing down on the gas as they sped right though the gate and up the pathway towards the building, slowing down as they reached the entrance. Spiderman climbed off the back as she followed, letting it drop to the ground. Looking through the well-kept, washed glass, hestitantly starting towards the inside.

"Go in," said Spiderman.

Picking up her speed, the doors automatically opened. Glancing around at the rich lobby as she took in the fresh scent of artificial candles.

This place was huge.

Explanation: wasn't feeling it, felt as if everything went too fast and I didn't want the avengers quite yet.

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