chapter 11/ mr. parker / tn4

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"Get off," she heard a boy say through gritted teeth from behind.

The two teared their attention away from Kitty, giving her the chance to punch Flash in the side.

He winced and hobbled out of the way, as she came face to face with Peter.

No, not Peter Parker.

Peter Maximoff.

"What's an arrogant, confident 30 year old like you doing at a highschool?"

"Looking for you, of course."

"It relieves me to know you aren't dead, Wanda said otherwise."


"I'll explain later. Anyways, how'd you get out of there?"

"Oh, me? Escaping HYDRA was probably one of the easiest things ever. They made a mistake not asking for my mutation before being transported to the lab."

"What matters is that you're fine. Where are the others?"

"With HYDRA,"

"You're telling me you didn't save them!"

"Why cause a riot from the inside when I could gather more participants and start one from out?"

"But you don't know what they're doing in there!"

"Know something, Kat?"

"Well..." she hesitated, "Look at what happened to that guy Wayne."

"That wasn't HYDRA."

"Well, okay! Maybe I have my facts wrong! But all I know is that they're terrorists and we have to stop them!"

"What're you doing here then?"

"All mutant problems aside, it seems there's an infinity stone heist."

"They're stealing them? Who?"

"I don't know, but we have to go. That's all I can tell you."

Peter shrugged.

Kitty shrugged.

They never listened to each other.

Put two mouthy, arrogant, self-centered, and sarcastic teenagers (well one of them, the other is a huge man child) with powers in the same room (or same team) and they don't clash well.

But right now, as far as they knew, everything was on the line.

explanation: i kind of already built up this thing for bobby and foreshadowed him returning. also, i didn't wanna introduce peter as another character this soon because i have a hard time keeping them engaged in the storyline, just look at how i forgot about gambit (the characters did too even!!) i didn't wanna have someone discover the story and read it just for their fav to be sidelined if that makes any sense whatsoever.

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