Chapter 27

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Chapter 27


A thunderous clash razed the outside walls of the castle. Coordinated series of explosions were so loud that the plume of desolation could be seen from miles around from out on the open plains. And through the fog of destruction, all who were left standing amid the dust and rubble choked in awe. Entry to the castle and city were cut off. The Hylian forces were now split and isolated.


Back in her room, trapped in memory, Zelda nearly fell from a mighty rumbling that shook her tower, tearing her from her happy daydream. Jumping back to her feet, she put away the distraction, reaffirming her focus and resolve on the task at hand.

"What the...I'm back...what was that?" she murmured under her breath, shocked by the clash.

"Oh my goodness, how long was I out? How did that happen?" She said to herself, mesmerized for a brief moment by the strange magic that teleported her away moments prior, before awakening back in the present. 

After some realization she noticed it had been for just a small moment. Relieved, she took in a deep breath and found the bravery within her soul to finish what she set out to do.

Zelda threw her old diary aside and instead gripped the ancient blade she had brought with her tighter.

"It doesn't matter how that happened...Link needs me now, I have to get a hold of myself! No more reminiscing upon the dreams of children!" she declared, composing herself and squeezing her hands at her sides.

With a nod of determination, she ran in a fury toward the adjacent bridge which led to the heart of the castle. She was certain that her knight would be in the thick of the danger.

Stumbling out into the chaos of the castle grounds along the narrow tower bridge, her attention was pulled toward the sight below her. In that instant, a massive series of blasts reverberated with a concussive wave that smacked her full in the chest, nearly knocking her from the ramparts.

Barely escaping a fall, she rose to peer out at the army and its forces. They were in dire straits, nearly falling apart at the seams. Massive plumes of flame erupted along the outlying castle defenses behind the army embankment.

Shocked and frozen stiff at the glance, her eyes scanning as far as she could through the smoke, but she couldn't make out any clear details.

A sudden shudder quaked beneath her feet yet again and she felt the bridge's structure giving way. The far-off explosion weakened the bridge where she stood. It cracked, split between her legs and crumbled as the arching stone began to falter. With no time to consider her reaction, the princess bolted to the heart of the castle on the other side.


"No!" Link shouted. His pupils shrank in terror as his gaze fixed upon his wounded friend, plummeting like a star from the sky.

"Teba!" he yelled again, leaping up from where he had been knocked prone only seconds earlier by the sudden eruptions behind them.

Trying to catch his breath just as he was about to make his way over to where his rito friend fell among the throng of fallen soldiers, his gaze was torn again.

"Goddesses, save us!" Simon screamed to Link's side, also rising from the aftermath of the blasts.

Before Link could turn to him, from the corner of his eye he caught glimpse of Sidon leaping out from the moat ahead. He was much closer. Everything was happening so fast, it was hard to process anything among the chaos.

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