Loving Their Dad Ch. 8

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*So sorry about how long it has been. I have had several family issues come up. Plus my phone sucks but I have my laptop and should be able to write more.

*Also conversations will now be in italic. Sorry, I haven't been able to figure out this new computer yet.

*The next couple of chapters are going to impact the story a lot. Some major things will be happening.


Hearing my alarm go off I jump out of bed quickly. I have to prepare things for the kids to take to daycare. I have a huge test to take and don't want to be late. Plus I have to deal with the unwelcomed visitor. I just hope he doesn't stay long. After taking a shower and getting dressed I go to the kitchen and start preparing breakfast. Just as I finish cooking I hear someone behind me.

'I will have him back. He always comes back,' the annoying voice said.

'I have something you could never have,' I said turning around. 'I have our kids. And don't you think you should be leaving. Now.'

'Well I am sure that could be fixed,' Kai said, 'I have known Lorenzo a long time. Plus if we were living together I sure wouldn't be sleeping separate from him.'

' Well good thing I'm not you then,' I said placing the food on the table just as I heard my family coming down the hall. 'Now shut up and sit down if you are going to eat. If not then go. I honostly don't want you anywhere near my kids.'

'Daddy,' I heard the twins yell running ahead of Lorenzo. They stopped as soon as they seen Kai. 'Who is that,' they asked.

'This is Papa's friend Kai,' Lorenzo said. 'He just came to stay the night. He was just leaving. Right Kai.'

'Um. Yeah,' he said gettng up from the table. 'Call me later.'

'I won't be able to for a while,' Lorenzo said. ' I have work and also have some catching up with my family to do. I was hoping we could all go out tonight. And then maybe this weekend we could have someone keep the kids so just the two of us could go out.'

'I think that would be good.' I said smiling at him. I just hope he doesn't forget or get to busy.

After everyone finished eating I got the twins dressed while Lorenzo put the dishes in the dish washer. On the way out the door with the twins I yelled bye. I got the kids to daycare safely and was headed to school. Just as I was about to turn into the lot a car ran a red light. All I could think about was my kids and not being able to see them again as the car slammed into my door and then total blackness.

~Lorenzo's POV~

I was trying to rush to school to hopefully talk to Angel before class started. I had almost made it there when I saw police and paramedics. As I got closer I recognized the car that was pretty much smashed up. I slammed my car in park and got out running towards Angels car. I saw them rushing a body over to the ambulance.

'What happened,' I yelled. 'Angel! Baby! Oh God, Angel. Is Angel ok?! He's my fiancée.'

'Sir it seems that a drunk driver ran a red light and hit Mr. Matthias at high speed. We were just trying to find his emergency information,' the officer said. 'He has suffered some major injures. And has to be transported immediately.'

'Oh God, how am I going to tell his parents,' I started rambling off tears pouring down my face. 'How am I going to tell our kids.'

'Sir if you want to you can follow the ambulance,' the officer said.

I ran back to my car and followed the ambulance to the hospital praying the whole time. As soon as I got there I was shown to the waiting room by a nurse. I called Angels parents who said they were on their way. Now I just had to wait.


Sorry if the chapter is short and not the best. It is unfortunately 3:06am so I am really tired but this is the only time I seem to be able to write.

Let me know what you think.

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