Loving Their Dad Ch. 7

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I know that I agreed to move in with Lorenzo but I couldn't help but to wonder if he only wanted us there because he could get closer to the twins.

Today is moving day. I have spent the last week boxing all of the twins' things up to take to Lorenzo's. Though some of the stuff will stay here. Like their beds and dressers will stay but all of their clothes and most of their toys will go. Lorenzo suggested separating them into their own rooms and I am fine with that. It just has always been easier having them together by my room. I explained to Lorenzo that just because we are living together doesn't mean that we will be doing anything right away. I have to know that I can trust him. And after everything that his mother said, I don't know if I can.

"Angel are you ready to get started," Lorenzo asked.

"Yeah," I said picking up a couple of boxes. I walked downstairs and saw my dad, some of Lorenzo's friends, his brother, and a couple of my friends.

"You ready to go?

"Yeah. Just let me say bye to my parents," I said. It took another 30 minutes to leave and another 30 to get pizza and get to Lorenzo's. After eating we put the kids to bed and went to bed, each of us to our own beds.

It has been a month since we all moved in together. Lorenzo has been gone a lot and the kids and I have been left to adjust on our own. After school we come home and I take the kids to the indoor swimming pool that Lorenzo has. I'm finally fed up with his shit. We moved in to be a family and yet we have hardly seen him. After finishing our daily routine and the kids are ready I take a shower and put on my pajama pants and decide to wait in the living room. I don't know what time it was when I heard someone walk in.

"You have to be quiet," I heard Lorenzo say. "My kids are already asleep."

"You have kids?" A man asked. "Last time I was here you didn't."

"Yeah well things have changed," Lorenzo said. "And you can take the room down here if you want."

"Why can't I stay with you like I always do Lo," the man said. Hell no. Not happening. "We always have fun together."

"I don't think that would be good Kai," Lorenzo said as I walk toward them.

"No it wouldn't," I said leaning against the wall.

"Who are you," Kai asked. Damn he is hot.

"Angel, I didn't think you would be awake still," Lorenzo said. "Are the kids ok?"

"They are fine," I said. "I needed to talk to you."

"I don't know who you are but," Kai started before I interrupted him.

"I'm Lorenzo's boyfriend," I said. "And the other father to his kids. And since we aren't allowed privacy you can hear what I have to say. Lorenzo wasn't the whole point of us moving in with you so we can be a family? How can we do that when you are gone all the time. And when you do come home it is so late that the kids are asleep. Then you bring an obvious ex-lover to our home. I'm getting fed up with this. I think maybe we shouldn't have done this. And maybe the kids and I should just go home. Obviously you don't have time for us in your life."

"Angel you can't leave," Lorenzo said. "I know I have been busy but I will change that. It's just with working at the school and helping with my father's company I haven't been able to be home early. And Kai has been my friend for a long time. Even before we had ever slept together. And I promise babe nothing is going on between us now. Just give me another chance."

"One week," I said. "That's it no more."

"Thank you baby," he said pulling me into his arms. "I'm so sorry. I will do better."

"I hope so," I said leaving to head to my room. "Oh, and Kai can sleep in the spare down here. I'm trying to trust you but I don't know him or trust him."

"Ok," Lorenzo said, "I understand."

As I head upstairs I hear Kai start bickering with Lorenzo. To tired to worry anymore I lay in my bed and quickly fall asleep.


Sorry this chapter isn't the best but I wanted to load something. I have a bad migraine so I am going to bed even though it is only around 5pm. Oh well....

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