Loving Their Dad Ch. 2

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3 years later

Beep.... Beep... Beep... I woke up and jumped in the shower. I got ready for school and then walked to the twins' room. After getting their clothes out I woke them up.

"Come on kids," I said and walked between their beds. "We are going to be late."

I got them dressed and fed them breakfast. I was finally getting my own car. My parents have been letting me use one of theirs since I got my lisence 2 years ago. They told me that they would get me one when I turned 18. And today is that day.

I dropped the kids off at the daycare close to my school and went back to my house to meet my parents where we drove to the car lot. I already knew what I wanted and my parents said it was ok so all we had to do was fill out paperwork and pay for the car. I got a black 2014 Land Rover Range Rover Sport. I have been wanting one for a while.

I had to hurry and get to school. So I got in my new car and went to school. Grabbed my stuff and went to homeroom.

"How are the babies," kaylee asked.

"They are fine," I said. "I dropped them off and then went to get my new car."

"You have to show me," she said. "Did you hear that we have a new teacher. And apparently he is hot."

"I don't have time to think about guys," I told her. "Not with school, the twins, and work at dads office."

"You need to date," she said as the teacher came in.

"Ok class let's quiet down. I am Mr. DeLuca," he said with an accent. "We are going to go around the class and you will state your name, age, and three things about yourself. Then when you all are done you may ask me a few questions."

I sat and listened to everyone till it was my turn. "My name is Angel Matthias. I'm 18. Three things about me are: I am a dad to twins. I'm gay and I just got my dream car."

Everyone started talking loudly. Nobody knew about the twins or that I'm gay. I am your typical jock. Or so they thought.

"Enough," Mr. DeLuca said. "Mr. Matthias may I see you after class."

For the rest of class everybody asked him questions. I learned that he is 22, single, Italian, and that he is only going to be teaching for a week while our original teacher is out. When the bell rang I didn't get up.

"I'm sure you are wondering why I asked you to stay," he asked when everyone left.

"Yeah kinda," I said.

"I'm actually looking for Charis Matthias," he said sitting in front of me.

"How do you know my sister," I asked sitting up.

"We were friends," he said. "One night at a party we got drunk. I think you can guess what else happened. When we woke up I told her I couldn't be with her. I didn't mean for it to happen. Hell I'm not even interested in women. She was the only one I have ever been with. Every time I tried to call her she wouldn't answer. And then one day her phone was disconnected."

"No," I said. "my sister is dead. She died three years ago. She said you didn't want anything to do with her."

"I.. I'm sorry." he said. "I wanted to be her friend. I just couldn't be more."

"We need to talk," I said. "Now. I am going to go home. You need to follow me. It can't wait."

After going to the office I waited by the exit in my car. I drove to my house and went inside letting Mr. DeLuca in before shutting the door. When we were both sitting at the kitchen table.

"My sister died three years ago during labor," I said. "she had an emergency c-section to have twins. All she told me about the dad is that he is Italian."

"I have kids," he asked. "What happened to them. Are they ok."

"They were in the hospital for two and a half months," I said. "When they were born I was given full custody. My name is listed as the father on their birth certificates."

"They are the twins you mentioned," he asked. "I want to see my kids. What are their names?"

"They are my kids," I said. "I have been raising them. I can't lose them. I will let you be in their lives but you can't take them from me."

"I want them to know me," he said. "They are mine. I will fight if I have to."

"You won't ever see them if you try to take them," I said. "Everything is legal. I put ads in the newspaper. Both local and international. I never got any reply. The adoption was legal 2 and a half years ago."

"Can I meet them," he asked. "I won't take them but I want to be involved. And you never told me their names."

"Their names are Landon Aidan and London Nadia Matthias," I said. "I need to try to explain this to them tonight. And I need to talk to my parents. I will call you later tonight."

"Fine. But I will be involved," he said getting up and leaving.

I called my parents and asked them to come home.

Finally after waiting for like an hour I heard the front door open and close.

"Son," my dad said walking in, "whats wrong?"

"I found Landon and London's dad," I said. "Or rather he found me. Apparently he's a sub at school. I told him about the twins. He didn't know about them. He was a friend of Charis'. They got drunk at a party and one thing led to another. He left the next day after explaining that he is gay and that he only wanted to be friends. He wants to be involved. What do I do?"

"Well I would say let him," my mom said. "But we need it in writing that he won't try to take the twins."

"I don't know what I would do if he did, Ma," I said staring at my hands. "I don't care if I am biologically just their uncle. Those are my kids. I have raised them from day one."

"I know you have, honey," my mom said. "And you have done great. With very little help from us."

"I have to go get the kids," I said. "I'm going to try to explain to them whats going on."

After picking the twins up I took them home and explained whats going on. Though I don't know if they quite understand whats going on. Landon seemed upset with the news while London is just excited about having another dad.

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