Loving Their Dad Ch. 4

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*Angel's POV*

It's been a month since I met Lorenzo. He sees the kids everyday and on weekends we all go someplace. Last weekend it was the museum. And tomorrow we are suppose to take them to see a movie. But tonight I decided that I am going to go out with some friends to a club. I have to a sitter because everyone already has plans for tonight. Mom and dad have a banquet to go to and Lorenzo said he had a meeting to go to then is going to a friends for his weekly game night.

After getting ready I met up with Marcus an old friend of mine.

"So how does it feel to be away from the munchkins?" Marcus asked as we walked to the line for the club.

"I miss them but I need to get away every once and a while." I replied showing my fake ID to the bouncer. I had to have one since I'm under 21.

We ordered our drinks and then decided to dance. An hour and quite a few drinks later I was on my way to being drunk when I seen Lorenzo. He was with three other guys.

"So this is game night to him, huh," I said still dancing with Marcus.

"Who," he asked.

"The twins' other dad," I said.

"I want to meet him," he said. "Where?"

"Over there in the black shirt," I said. "With the three other guys. And I guess that's his boyfriend." Pointing at Lorenzo who was making out with one of the guys. I don't know why but it kind of hurt to see him making out with someone.

"I'm going to introduce myself," Marcus said walking over.

"Marcus," I said rushing after him. I caught up to him as he reached Lorenzo and his friends. Lorenzo looked up at us as we reached the table he was at.

"Angel," he said shocked pushing the guy he was making out with off his lap. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh nothing just dancing, drinking, and realizing that you lied to me," I said. Shit my mouth just won't stop when I've been drinking. "Enjoying your game night?"

"Who has the kids," he asked. His friends were watching us.

"I had to get a sitter," I said. "I asked their other dad to watch them but he had game night."

"So you left my kids with someone they don't know," he said accusingly.

"Actually my cousin is watching OUR kids," I said. "That way I can go out for only like the third or fourth time in three years. I need a break every once and a while. I thought that they could spend the night with their Papa but he was to busy trying to get laid. Hell I think I am the only virgin father in the world. I go to school and work and I have been raising two kids since I turned 15. I think I deserve to go out every once and a while."

"Dude your a virgin," Marcus said to me.

"You know what screw this," I said. "I'm going home to MY kids. And you better not be late. They want to go watch that movie. But you can take them by yourself. Don't know why we were doing family days anyway. We obviously aren't a family."

I left the club and went home. Paid my cousin Hope, kissed my kids and went to bed. As soon as I started to calm down I realized what I had said. I ended up crying myself to sleep.

*Lorenzo's POV* (from when Angel left)

"Who was that," my friend Toby asked. "He's hot."

"I swear if that d*** bet ruined my chances with him I will hurt all of you," I said.

"Again who is he," my other friend Ash asked. "Though he seems kinda selfish. Leaving his kids to get drunk."

"That's my best friend Angel Matthias." A guy said standing by our table. "He's a good guy. He has been a devoted father. He would die for those kids. And the one thing that he has been wanting to give them was a family. Not like his family but he wanted them to have another father that loved him and that he loved. I think he thought that's what he was getting. Till he saw the guy he's falling for making out with someone else. And the fact he was going to torture himself by letting the twins stay the night says that he trusted you. He hasn't spent the night away from them since they came home from the hospital."

"S***," I said putting my head in my hands. "I really messed up."

"What's this about kids," Kyle asked, "Did you adopt and no tell us?"

"Not exactly," I said. "Do you remember Charis? Well about 4 years ago I got so wasted that I slept with her. she gave birth to a set of twins. I have a wonderful son and daughter. But Charis didn't make it. She had told her family that I said I didn't want anything to do with the kids. even though I didn't know about them. About a month ago is when I found out about them. Angel is a student at the high school I teach. He ended up telling me about the twins and I see them everyday. And we go out on Saturdays for family days. Just Angel, the twins, and myself."

"Woah," Ash said. "So you have kids."

"Why is he raising them if they are yours," Kyle asked. "You should be raising them."

"He has been the only 'Daddy' their whole lives," I said. "I am their Papa. And I want us to raise the kids together."

"You want to be with him," Toby said. "But... never mind."

"Yes I want to be with him," I said. "I'm leaving. I need to talk to him so I have to get up early."

Without saying anything else I walked out and went to my car. When I got home I couldn't sleep so I took a shower and started to get ready. By the time I was done it was 5:30. I went ahead and went to Angel's house. When I rang the doorbell Angels dad answered it.

"Angel isn't awake yet," he said letting me in.

"I didn't think he would be," I said. "I really needed to talk to him before the kids are awake."

"We'll you know the way," he said walking toward the kitchen.

I quietly ran up the stairs and down the hall to Angels room. When I got there he was awake sitting on the side of the bed. Slowly I walked in the room and shutting the door and locking it.

"Angel," I said, "can we talk?"

"About what," he said. "I think I said enough last night. I can't believe I embarrassed myself so much. And maybe I'm not a good dad. I should have just stayed home."

"No you deserve a break just like everyone else," I said kneeling in front of him. "And their was nothing to be embarrassed about. But we do need to talk."

"I'm sorry for yelling at you," he said. "You hadn't done anything wrong."

"I didn't know that we were going to go to the club till after I got to Toby and Ash's tonight," I said. "And I wasn't out trying to sleep with anyone. The guys bet me that I couldn't get Toby interested. I know it was stupid but it honestly didn't mean anything to me."

"It wasn't my place to say anything," he said. "I can't believe that I acted like a jealous boyfriend. I didn't have any reason to get mad because we aren't dating. We are just trying to raise our kids together."

I reached up and pulled his head to mine. placing my lips on his we shared the most amazing kiss. Pulling away I laid my forehead on his.

"I would like to date you," I said. "But we could get in trouble. You are my student."

"Yeah the student who is raising your kids with you," he said. "We don't have a normal student/teacher relationship. But would you be willing to hide it. At least from the students? The headmaster is my uncle so he will know."

"I would do anything to be with you," I told him while yawning. "Sorry. I haven't been to sleep yet."

"Lay down," he said. "Sleep till the kids get up. We should get 3 to 4 hours before then."

I waited while he pulled down the blanket and sheet. Climbing in the bed I pulled him in my arms and drifted off to sleep.

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