Its Happening

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"Shit!" I say. "Emma what happened?" Asks Michael. "I think my water just broke and I'm completely alone in my house." As soon as I said that a pain that I have never felt before hits me in my lower stomach which makes me scream. "Okay I'm coming to get you!" Then he hangs up. I breath it's happening no no no I don't want Michael with me its just going to make me cry but, I really have no control over this one. I decide to call Jennifer "Jennifer where are you? get home right now please as fast as possible." I say trying really hard to be calm but failing. "I'm at the yogurt shop the one that's like 3 blocks away why what happened?" She asks the concern being evident in her voice. "My water just broke drop the stupid yogurt and run Michael is coming to get me." I say suddenly feeling angry. "Are you serious?" She asks me. "Yes I am!" I almost yell at her. "Okay I'm on my way." She says. Then I hang up and slowly walk upstairs and get my things ready as I wait for Jennifer and Michael to arrive. I pack extra clothes for me and for my baby I really never knew what I was going to have so I bought clothes that would suit both boy and girl. But I just bring 2 pairs of pink clothes and blue clothes. I'm an idiot if I found out sooner then this would not be a problem. I grab my oversized purse and put everything in it and make my way downstairs, that's when another pain hits and I'm screaming again this one lasts a bit longer than the other one. Shit and I know that there only going to get longer. At that moment Jennifer bursts through the door. "I'm here!" She yells. "Where's Michael? lets go!" She says. "Calm down he's not here yet." I say. About 10 minutes pass and Michael arrives. "Are you okay?" Just as he says that another pain hits and I'm screaming. "Once this is all over I'm fucking killing you." I say through gritted teeth. "Okay let's go people." Says Jennifer walking over to me and hooking her arm on mine. And we start waking to the car, that's when I notice Ashely is there and tears start poring out of my eyes. "What's wrong?" Asks Michael. You that's what's wrong! I feel like yelling at him but I resort to "Nothing you ass shut up and drive." I'm really angry right now. When we arrive at the Hospital we rush in and start talking to nurses they put me in a wheel chair and wheel me away. The only person in the room with me is Jennifer.

⭐️⭐️⭐️ (A/N: so like I have no idea what happens after this and I don't feel like searching it up so I'm skipping it to after there is an already clean and whatever baby)

Girl. The child that I have been expecting. She's a girl. She has my dark hair and Michael's eyes. As much as I hate to admit it I love Michael's eyes. "She's so cute." Says Jennifer. I smile she really is or it's just me saying that because she's my daughter. There's a knock on the door and in comes Michael and Ashley. Shit. Happy moments don't last forever. He comes closer and looks at his daughter and a single tear slips down his cheek. "Do you want to hold her?" I ask quietly. I don't really want anyone else to hold her but, he's her father I can't really stop him. "Yeah." He replies just as softly and I hand her over to him. He sits in the chair next to my bed and rocks gently. Ashely pulls out her phone and takes a picture. I have to admit that would would be a cute picture. Hours go by and Michael has to go since he has to work tomorrow he didn't really want to go but he does. After he leaves it's only me and Jennifer. Mom and Dad are at work but halfway around the country so they can't really be back for another 4 days. When I look at my baby again I realize that I need to name her. I start thinking, different names start going through my head until I stop at one. Madison. It means gift of God. "Jennifer I think I want to name her Madison." I say quietly as I notice Madison closing her eyes meaning she's about to fall asleep. "Madison. I like it." She says, and I can't stop myself from smiling.
*2 days later*
I'm being released from the hospital. I hated it there. Mom and Dad are still away and have yet to meet their new granddaughter. Michael promised to stop by and see Madison as soon as he got out of work. It's late when he leaves and I put Madison to bed in her crib by my bed. I myself start to get sleepy and drift off, only to be awaken by Madison's cries at 2 am. Let the next 18 years begin.

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