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My eyes widen in surprise. She really wasted her birthday wish on that. "Why did you wish for that Madison?" I ask her. "Because it's important to me." She says. It really means that much to her? "Why is It important to you?" I ask her. "I don't know." She replies.

*1 week later*

Today is Madison's first day of kindergarten. I can't wait until she has her own father as a teacher so she can run away screaming. I smile at the thought. He was pretty annoying and got on my nerves a lot. I go to Madison's room and wake her up "Madison get up first day of kindergarten you don't want to be late." I say. She jumps out bed. "Yay." She says. "Let's go shower. Now." I,say. She obeys and goes into the bathroom and I follow. When Madison is ready she look really adorable in her uniform. I was going to do pigtails on her hair but decided just on 1. She has long hair already it goes a little past her shoulders. She says she never wants to cut it. "Madison you look adorable." I say looking at her. "Thank you." She says, already using her manners. "Breakfast." I say picking her up and taking her to the kitchen where I find Mom, Dad, and Jennifer already having breakfast. "Oh my god Madison you look so cute." Says Jennifer. "Come and take a selfie with me." She says. I look at her confused. "Why do you need to take a selfie with her?" I say. She looks at me like it's obvious. "Memories and so I can post it." She says. "Okay then. Madison do you want cereal?" I ask her. "Yes." She replies. "On it." I say and go make her cereal. When Madison is eating I get a phone call from Michael. "Hello." I say into the phone. "Hey so I was wondering if I could take Madison to her first day of kindergarten the high school is close by to and from dropping her off I can go straight to work." He says. It's a great idea but the problem is that I want to take her. "But-but u want to take her to." I say. "How about we both take her I'll drive." He says. The only problem with that idea is that I'm going to have to take the bus back here but okay I'll do it. "Fine be here on 20 minutes." I say and with that I hang up. I go upstairs and get ready when I come down dad and Madison are watching cartoons on the tv. The doorbell rings "I'll get it I yell!" I walk to the door and open it and there stands Michael. "Good Morning." He says. "Morning. Madison daddy's here get your book bag and let's go!" I yell. 10 seconds later Madison is running up to Michael yelling "Daddy!" It's cute. "Hey Maddie." He says and picks her up. Like always. I take her book bag from her. "Let's go." I say, and with that where all moving out the door and into the car. When we arrive at school Madison is so happy. "I'll pick her up since at the time they release her your still at work and tomorrow you can drop her off on your own deal?" I ask looking at Michael. "Sounds good." He says. When it's time for Madison to go inside we expect her to cry or something or be side but she runs in yelling "Bye see you later!" That took me by surprise. "Well I wasn't expecting that one." Say Michael. "Neither was I." I reply just as shocked as he was. "I'm guessing she's gonna like school." He says. "Just wait until she gets homework." I say. He chuckles. "Yeah." He says "well I should go." He ads after we've been standing there looking at the door. "Yeah I get going then." I say. "I'll drop by after work." He adds. "Yeah bye." I say and walk to the bus stop.

* After School*

"How was school?" I ask Madison as I put her seatbelt on her. "It was good I made to new friends." She says smiling. "That's great!" I say sounding exited. Later in the day Michael drops by. She tells him about her new friends one of them is named Austin and the other friend is named Chloe. When Madison goes upstairs Michael turns to me. "A boy really?" I laugh at him "there only 5 Michael." I say. "Yeah what about when she grows up huh?" He says sounding like a really overprotective father, which he is. "I think we still have time." I tell him. 20 minutes later Michael leaves and I go watch movies with Madison until we both fall asleep.

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