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I wake up and don't feel nauseous like I always feel in the morning. It's weird but I'm happy. I go shower, brush my teeth, and get ready for today. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen and make myself the biggest breakfast that I could possibly manage. After I'm done, I hear my sister come in, grab a breakfast bar and say. "Let's go I don't want to be late." I just look questionably at her she doesn't even like school. "Okay let's go then...." I reply. And with that we were on our way to school.


By the end of the day I was really tired. One last class left. Michael's class. At least I knew he'd go easier on me than anyone else because of the fact that I'm caring his baby. I walk in and he doesn't greet me with the same smile he always does. Weird. He always does that. I walk back to my seat and sit as soon as he starts talking I drift off no more than 30 seconds later a book slams in front of my face. I open my eyes quickly and blink a couple of times before checking my surroundings. And when I finally do I see that Michael is standing there with a textbook in his hand. "No falling asleep in class detention!" He yelled in my face. I was truly shocked. The rest of the period went by slowly. When the bell rung I stood up and walked up to Michael and whispered yelled "What was that for! I always fall asleep and you never say anything!" He just places his hand in my stomach and says the same thing as always. He acted like I just said nothing. "Sit down Emma you have an hour of detention for falling asleep in class." He's speaking to me like I'm just another student. What is wrong with him today! "What is wrong with you today!" I practically almost yell at him as I take a seat in the front of the room. "Nothing's wrong I just needed to talk to you so I gave you detention." What!!!! "You ass can't you do what we do everyday after class!" I yelled at him angrily. "Calm down what I'm about to tell you might want to make you run away so with detention you can't go anywhere so yeah." Uggggg I want to strangle him right now. "Your still an ass." I said. He laughed "Yeah yeah I know you told me." He replied. "Okay so Miranda wants to have dinner again just us 3 to talk about things in a more civilized manner." That bitch still is trying to steal my baby from me. "Your right I do want to run away." He looks at me in the eyes. "She just doesn't agree with you she wants to be included." He says. "Lasts time I checked the baby is growing inside ME not her and your the father I don't see how she was crucial or is crucial to his or her life." I snap at him quickly. "I know just talk to her and hear her out you don't have to agree and don't yell." He said. "Okay fine but I don't guarantee no yelling I'm pregnant there's a thing called hormones." I said. He laughed. "Yeah I know." He said.


I'm sitting with my legs crossed and arms crossed over my legs. On the other side of the restaurant table in front of me is Miranda and Michael. "I just want to compromise." Said Miranda. "I warm to compromise to." I said. "Okay so we started off on the right page." Says Miranda. "Yeah I think we did." I reply. "Okay so how about we get the child for the week and you get it on weekends." Miranda said. "No I can't not only see my child twice a week it's MY child I'm the one giving birth to it and I'm the one that should get to decide when I want to see my child and who I want them to see." I said. "I guess we weren't in the same page after all." Said Miranda. "Yeah I guess we weren't." I said. "Okay but we can still compromise right." Miranda said. "Here's what I think you don't have a say in what happens in my child's life. Period. I'm the mother I decide these things for a reason I'm going to decide that Michael gets to see his son or daughter when ever he wants and can take him to sleep over sometimes but only with my permission." I take 3 seconds to breath them continue. "I'm tired of this nonsense Miranda your acting like it's your kid and like it's inside you. I'm tired that's my final decision if you don't like it to bad same goes to you Michael." Michael just smiled. "I like your decision and I'm 100% okay with it." Miranda looks at him angrily. "But I didn't get to even have a say in this." She says."it's not your say that counts it's mine and Emma's and I agree that's it everything is resolved." Michael said.


That night I fall asleep with a smile on my face finally At least least there's plan for something big in my life. I'm falling asleep until a cold hand covers my mouth.

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