TO MUCH FRICTION!!! (chapter 7)

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[warning a lot of screaming involved.]

"peter pick up the paste! i don't have all day! seriously why do you run so slow!? we are in the middle of a life or death situation!" i shout at peter. "i..DON'T...GIVE...A...FUC-" peter gets cut off by the loud  bullets.


"hurry up! the guards are gaining on us!"charlie shouts at peter and i. "EVERYONE STOP! CLIFF UP AHEAD!!!"i scream at the team. "it's a dead end! what do we do now they are going to catch us!"   Bella says dogging bullets."WERE ALL GOING TO DIEEEE!" Blake screeches. "Not on my watch!" i yell." when i get to 1 jump and don"t look back! do you understand!?" i yell confidently. "WHAT!?" the team yells back. "GOOD!" i scream in front of the team. "1...2...-


the whole team falls off the cliff because of the loud bullet."AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" the whole team screeches."OH COME ON! I SAID ON 3!!!" i yell while falling off the cliff.  "Um did you even think this through!? i really hope your plan wasn't for all of us to fall to are BLOODY FUNERAL!!!" Blake yells."I THOUGHT THIS THROUGH TRUST ME!!" i yell back at Blake. "CLICK THE BUTTON ON YOUR SHIRT! EVERYONE DO IT OR FALL TO DEATH!" i click my button and everyone else does the same. "OKAY 1....2....3!!!" as soon as i said 3  everyone's backpack turned into parachutes. "SEEEEE now i think a simple thank you! is now in order~"i say happily "thank you?" The team asks."you're welcome!" i say cheerfully. the team just glares at me while i smirk. 

"so are we just going to stand here and glare at me or get MOVING!? come on people lets get going as you can see hydra's guards want to take us down! but we can't let them! so lets get a move on!" peter hollers."well if you keep screaming like that, they will have a better chance of catching us idiot!" Charlie whisper shouts. "quit arguing your going to get us killed!" Bella whisper shouts in a serious tone. "AGH" Blake shouts. "Blake? why did you stop?" peter asks making sure the guards were far away from us."i hit something!" he started patting on bushes. in my mind i thought, 'who in there dumb mind steps on bushes while walking? doesn't he know how to go around the bushes.' "hey! Jaelyn you there?" peter asks waving his arms like a plane about to take off. " i'm right here now get your hands out of my face before you lose your hands." i say in a dark tone. "hah how will i lose my..." i could tell he was slowly trying to figure out what i meant. once he realized what i was saying his face turned pale."guys! come look at this!" Bella opens the odd wooden door that leads to a VERY dusty house. "ugh! whats that nasty smell!?" Bella shouts and the room echo's. "yep!" i say popping the p "someone died in here." i say making a disgusting face. "ugh did one of you guys pass?!" peter says annoyingly. who would ever even think that! someone obviously died in here." Blake said glaring at peter. "you know what they sayy..." Bella and i turned around . my eye's telling peter not to do it."WHOEVER SMELT IT DEALT IT!!" peter runs around the room like a crazy lunatic. "LET ME AT HIM!!!" i scream hysterically. "breath jaelyn just breath he is not worth your time!" Bella says gripping onto my arm while Blake chases peter."oh what the hell!" Bella lets me go and i jump on peter's back scaring the crap out of him. "OH MY FRAKING GOD!" peter yells and falls on his back. "you scared me half to death!" i start laughing my head off while peter just glares at me. then i hear a bunch of screams in the distance. "EEEK!!! AAAH! HELP!" then me and peter look at each other in shock.


once we get to the living room we just see Blake screaming his head off. what the heck Blake we thought there was a Justine Bieber concert here." i say jokingly. "aww you think my screaming sounded like Justine Biebers singing voice!! " Blake saying happily. "well... actually i thought you were one of his big fans screaming 'OH MAH GAWD I LUV YOU JUSTINE BIEBER!' haha!" i say correcting him. "now that's just messed up...messed up...messed up..." 


"NO WHY WOULD YOU KNOCK DOWN MY LEGO'S THAT'S JUST MESSED UP! " peter shouts at Blake. "YOUR MESSED UP!" Blake replies. "okay that hit hard man.." peter says sadly. "now look what you buffoons did! you woke her up!" Bella says angrily. "what time is it and why are you guys in my room?" i ask concerned. "well when we were getting out off the car you had a panic attack so we brought you here.. and we didn't want to leave you alone so i stayed and called Bella and Blake. now i regret bringing Blake because he messed up MY CARD HOUSE THAT WAS NOT HIS TO MESS UP." peter says grinding his teeth. 

"NOPE!" i say then plop back onto my bed. "is she okay..?" Blake asks. yeah don't worry she will be back in  1....2....3"

"I'M UP!"


       2 hour's later.(everyone's sleeping)

"you sure this is a good idea jaelyn?" may asks. "it's the best idea!on my count " i say smirking. "1....2....3!" 

"I DON'T GET NO SLEEP CUZ OF YALL NOW YALL DON'T GET NO SLEEP CUZ OFF ME!!" we start stomping are feet and clashing pots and pans together like we were in a marching band. oh man it was great! 

peter Blake and Bella runs after me and may and oh got it was a mess. Bella caught may so that meant i was the last one alive. Blake was about to grab my heels when i jumped and he feel onto the table. i actually thought i could win this! that was until we saw Nat mopping the floor. a smart person would have jumped...that's exactly what i did. sadly peter did that to. he got a hold of me and i started trying to kick him away.. he didn't go anywhere."AHHH!! VENT UP AHEAD HELP!! WHY IS THIS STUPID VENT OPEN!?" i shout in horror. "hurry get on top of me!" peter shouted frantically. "HOLD ONTO YOUR SOCKS!" i scream. "GAHHHHH!!!!TO..MUCH....FRICTION!!!!!"  once we got all the way to the bottom we saw the most amazing view ever! "ow...." peter mutters he looks up and see's an amazing sight one that we now call....

                                                                 THE SUPER CAVE! 

        (it's not much but i wanted to get this chapter over with so i could start a new one)

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