Good News

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Chapter 64: Jadah's POV

"Alright Blake here you go" I said and placed his dinner on the table. "Thanks baby" he said and sat down. I really wish he wouldn't call me that. I faked a smile and said "Your welcome Blake." "Elizabeth turn off the TV and come have dinner with daddy" I said. "Are you gonna eat?" Blake asked me. "No Blake I'm fine" I said. "Mommy can you cut my chicken?" Elizabeth asked. "Yea baby" I said and started to cut her chicken. "Thanks mommy" she said and started to eat. "Hey Jadah" Blake said, "Can you cut my chicken too?" I laughed and said "Sure thing." As I was cutting his chicken we were facing each other. Blake started to lean in but I backed up and whispered "Blake please don't." "I'm sorry" he said. "It's okay just please don't do it again" I said. "Even though you really want me" he said. I laughed and said "Oh please Blake let's not get cocky now." "Hey can you feed me?" Blake asked. I smiled and said "You've got one good arm Blake." "Please I'm cripple" he said. "Fine" I said.

As I was feeding him he was hypnotizing me those big brown eyes. He's making me fall in love with him all over again. My brain is telling me 'no' but my heart is telling me 'yes.' I couldn't help myself, Elizabeth was already upstairs watching TV in Blake's room, so I leaned in and kissed Blake very passionately. "Jadah" Blake said as we were kissing. I stopped kissing him and said "I'm sorry Blake." "No keep going" he said and leaned in and kissed me. We have never kissed like this before. It was passionate and wet and there was a lot of tongue involved. I guess because we can't have sex we made this kiss our best. My phone began to ring. "Don't answer it" he said as he kissed me. "Let me just check" I said and pulled away. It was Providence Hospital. The first thing that crossed my mind was my baby.

I answered it and said "Hello?!" "Hi Jadah its Dr. Campbell" he said. "Is everything okay?" I asked. "Yea Jadah don't worry everything's fine. We just wanted to let you know that your baby boy is ready to go home" he said. "Oh my God! Really? We'll be right there" I said. "See you then" he said and hung up. "Everything okay?" Blake asked. "I can go pick up my baby boy!" I said. "That's great let's go" Blake said. "No Blake you need to rest" I said. "Jadah I'm fine" he said. I smiled and I went upstairs to go get Elizabeth. "Come on honey let's go pick up your brother from the hospital" I said. "He's coming home!?" She asked. "Yea come on" I said and extended my out so she can hold my hand.

When we got to the hospital I sped walk to the counter and then I saw Dr. Campbell. "Jadah hey how are you?" He asked. "I'm so happy" I said. "Mr.Griffin how are you feeling?" He asked. "I'm doing better" he said. "Great! Well follow me so your baby boy can go home with you guys" he said. I was beyond happy. I haven't been happy in months. "Oh I should call Chris" I said. "No Jadah come on just keep going" he said. "Blake this is Chris's son. He has to be here" I said. "Jadah first of all he's registered as my son so there's no point for Chris to be here and plus you like me more when Chris isn't here" Blake said. Blake does have a point but Blake has always been the jealous type which I find cute. "Oh come on Blake I'll always love you no matter" I said. "Doesn't look like it" he said. "Blae what are you talking about?" I said and rolled my eyes. "Jadah if you do love me then you would take me back. Baby I forgave you and you still won't take me back. I'm starting to think you don't even love me anymore" he said. "Blake your talking stupid of course I love you. You were my first and you were the first I guy I fell in love with. Blake the only reason I'm not taking you back is because Chris is happy with us and if I leave him he'll be devistated. I can't do that to him. Let's just drop this conversation" I said and continued walking towards the doctor. "Sit here and we'll have him out in a little while" he said and left. Blake, Elizabeth, and I sat in the waiting room and Blake just refuse to drop the conversation. "Jadah come on its easy just say 'I love Blake and I'm dumping you' it's easy" he said. I smiled and said "It's not as easy as it seems Blake."

My phone began to ring and I saw that it was Chris. I looked at Blake and he sighed and said "Answer it. I'll wait." "Hey Chris. What happen babe?" I asked. "Where are you guys? I just got home and saw that you guys aren't here" he said. "Oh babe we're at the hospital uh the doctor called and said that Liam can come home" I said. "Oh shit that's great babe. I'll be right over" he said. I clicked the end call button and said "Chris is coming." "Great!" Blake said. He stood up and I grabbed his good arm and convinced him to stay. He can't leave anyways because he needs to sign papers.

I stood up and lifted my arms up and stretched. As I was streching Blake stood up and wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to his body. I giggled and said "Blake what are you doing?" His smile was perfect. He kissed my cheek and said "Look I gotta get going but I'll just go down to the registristation and sign the papers down there." Blake has his arm wrapped around my waist and Elizabeth hugs Blakes leg and said "Don't leave daddy!" 'He has to go home and rest honey" I said. I will admit I am very happy when I'm with Blake and he's just so irresistable. "Ok then I'll see you next time" I said. "Jadah before I leave I just need to know... do you want to be with me?" I looked at him for a minute and after some quick and long thinking I was finally able to say the truth "You know what Blake I do. I love you and I just can't spend another day away from you." He smiled and kissed me.

"Jadah" I heard Chris's voice. Shit! "What the hell is going on here?" Chris said, "Blake this is the second time I catch you kissing my girlfriend." He gives Blake a little push. I stand in between them to prevent anything that is about to happen. "Chris stop" I said. "Jadah what the hell is going on? This is the second time I catch you guys kissing and you always let him kiss you" he said. "Chris-" Chris cut me off and said "You know what Jadah I don't need you to lie to me. I heard what you said and I'm not gonna hold you back anymore. So if you want to be with Blake fine but just promise me you'll take care of my son and that I can still see him." I flashed him a fake smile and said "Sure." He came over and hugged me and kissed me one last time. "I'll uh come over during the weekened to see Liam" he said. He walked over to Elizabeth, hugged her and then he walked over to me and said "Don't come crawling back to me when he hurts you again."


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