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Chapter 54: Jadah's POV

I was already 8 weeks and my baby bump is starting to form. Blake hasn't really noticed yet. I haven't been talking to Blake that much because every time I see his face I feel like my heart breaks. I've finally decided about what I'm going to do, I think I'm going to leave. I'm not going back to New York though, I'm going to Oklahoma for a bit so I can be with Elizabeth. I already talked to Gail and told her what happened and she said it was fine. I was so close to telling Blake yesterday but I'm just so freaking scared on how he might react.

Blake has an away game tonight so I booked a flight to Oklahoma for tonight. It was 5am and Blake had a flight to Portland at 6am and I decided to go drop him off. As I was driving to LAX he grabs my hand and kisses it. "What was that for?" I asked. "I just love you so much baby" he said. I smiled and said "I love you too babe." We got to LAX and I walked Blake inside. "I'll see you when I get back okay?" He said. "Yea. Be safe" I said. "Always" he said. I hugged him really tight and said "I love you so so much baby." I was holding back my tears. "I love you too" he said. "You okay?" He asked. "Yea it's just gonna be lonely without you in the house" I said. "I'll be back as soon as we win the game" he said. I laughed at how cocky he is. "Okay" I said. We kissed for a long time. This kiss was very passionate. We broke the kiss and said bye to Blake.

The drive back home was so terrible. I was crying and I was just in so much pain. But I pulled myself together and got home safe. I decided to go back to sleep and be well rested for the flight.

I woke up to my phone ringing. I checked it and saw that it was Gail. "Hey Gail" I said. "Hi honey. Just wanted to make sure your still coming over?" She said. "Yea of course I just gotta pack my clothes and I'll be there in a few hours" I said. "Alright sweetheart see you later" she said. I hung up and checked the time, it was 5:30pm. Shit. I got up and started to pack my clothes because my flight is leaving at 7:00pm. I finally had everything packed and I was ready to go. I grabbed my passport and strated driving to LAX. I've made so many memories with Blake and I am so thankful that I was able to call him my boyfriend.

I finally got to LAX and I passed through security so all I have to do is wait to board the plane. I was so nervous but I couldn't hurt Blake so I just have to leave. I left Blake a note explaining why I left. I didn't tell him where I was going but it was enough info to get him to understand. About an hour later they announced that my plane was boarding so I walked to the boarding area handed the lady my ticket and said Goodbye to LA and this amazing life I have made for myself.

After the 3 hour flight I finally landed safely. I got off the plane and went to go look for my luggage. I finally found it and called Gail. "Hey Gail" I said. "Hey honey where are you?" She asked. "I already landed but I don't see you guys" I said. As Gail was about to say something I heard Elizabeth's voice yell "Mommy!" I turn around and see a little girl running to me. I extended my arms out and Elizabeth ran into them. I hugged her so tight and said "Uh my baby girl." "I missed you mommy" she said. "I'm here now. Where's grandma?" I asked. "Grandmas right here" Gail said. I put Elizabeth down and hugged Gail. "Hi sweetheart" she said and hugged me back. "How you doing?" She asked. "I'm just a hot mess Gail" I said. "Alright let's go home so you can rest" she said.

When we got to Gail's house I asked "Where's Tommy?" "Grandpas sleeping" Elizabeth said. "Oh okay then I'm gonna go take a nap" I said. By nap I mean sleep until tomorrow afternoon. It was 10pm in Oklahoma.

• Next Day •

I woke up and I heard Elizabeth talking to someone. I turn to see her talking to someone on my phone. "Honey who you talking too?" I asked. I had a feeling I knew who it was. "Daddy" she said. "Yea she came to visit me yesterday" Elizabeth said to Blake. "Honey give me the phone" I said. She handed me the phone and I clicked the end call button. "Mommy why did you hang up on dad?" She asked. "Oh because...he's probably tired from his game yesterday" I said. "Okay" she said. "He was calling you and calling you I picked up" she said. "Ok thank you honey" I said. "Are you and dad mad at each other" she asked. "No baby we just need to be alone for a little bit" I said. "Are you going to find me another daddy?" She said. "No baby. Blake is going to be your only daddy" I said. She nodded her head and left. As soon as she left my phone started to ring again. Blake must of read the note. I hesitated to answer but maybe I should explain it to him. I answered the phone and he immediately said "Jadah what the fuck? Why the hell are you in Oklahoma ?" "Blake look everything you need to know is in that note I left. Blake just please understand" I said. "Jadah your pregnant by another man and that wasn't your fault but baby you have to come back" he said. "No Blake I'm sorry. I love you but I can't" I said. "Jadah-" I hung up on him because I just couldn't handle it anymore.

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