Big News!

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Chapter 73: Jadah's POV

I sat in my car trying so hard to remember what happened last night but it was nothing but a blur. I took a deep breath and drove back home. The sun was killing me today. As I was driving I was thinking about Blake and how I betrayed him with one of his teammates! I felt so bad about this.

When I got home it was empty and quiet. I got worried because I do have children and they do make noise. I looked around the house but no one was home. I called Blake. "Jadah where the hell have you been?" he said. "I-I just needed to be alone but besides that where are the kids?" I said. "I left them with Amber. I have a game today so I couldn't watch them" he said. "Oh okay. I'll talk to you later" I said. "Wait Jadah" Blake said before I could hang up. "Yes" I said. "Are we still together? You know after what happened lasat night?" he asked. I sighed and said "I don't know. We'll talk later." I hung up and started to cry. I can't believe what I did. How can Blake and I continue our relationship if I've been unfaithful...again?!

I have no idea how I'm gonna tell Blake. I can't just walk up to him and say 'Oh hey Blake I got drunk and had sex with Matt.' I'm such a horrible person.

I got into my car and drove to Amber's house. I wiped away my tears and tried to look happy. I knocked on her door and she quickly answered. "Hey Jadah where did you go last night?" she asked. "Oh I- wait how did you know I left last night" I said. "Blake told me" she said. "Oh well thanks for taking care of them" I said. "Hey what's wrong?" She asked. "Nothing" I said. "Is this about the fight that you and Blake had last night?" She asked. "We always fight" I said. "Yea but you never runaway from fights. What's wrong?" She asked. I sighed and said "Where are the kids?"  "Asleep" she said.

I walked into her house and we sat down on the couch. "Look Amber last night I went out for a drink because I needed to forget about this fight so I had one to many beers and I woke bed...with Matt" I said. Her eyes widened and said "So you had sex with Matt?" she asked. I nodded my head and said "I don't know what to do. I can't go back with Blake after what I did! Should I tell him?"I said holding back the many tears that wanted to burst out of me. Amber hugged me and said "Look Jadah I think it's best for you to talk to Matt first and once you establish something then you tell Blake." "Yea yea you're right" I said. "Everything's gonna be okay" she said and hugged me really tight. "Thank you" I said.

* Later that Night *

The game had finished and I got a text from Matt saying to meet him at his house so we can talk.  I left the kids at Amber's house one more night and drove to Matt's house. As I was driving to Matt's house I got a call from Blake. I answered it and said "I'll be home soon Blake I just need to be alone for a couple of hours." "Jadah you know I didn't mean that. It was in the heat of the moment. Babe I love you" he said. I sighed and said "I'll be home soon." I hung up and threw my phone on the passenger seat.

I pulled into Matt's driveway and knocked on his door. He opened the door and pulled me inside. I sat on his couch and said "So do you remember anything?" He sits down next to me and said "I remember driving us back here and then we sat down on the couch and started to make out and then everything else is just a blur." I put my face in the palm of my hands and said "Oh my God Matt what am I gonna tell Blake." "You don't tell him anything" he said. "Matt I can't keep this from Blake. I can't continue my relationship with him if he doesn't know" I said and stood up from the couch. "Jadah I know Blake and he's not gonna take this well. He's probably gonna come to my house and kill me" he said. He starts to pace around his living room. I grab his wrist and cup his face. "Matt relax. You and I are gonna be fine. Just relax" I said. He grabs my hand and said "Okay you can tell him." I smiled and said "Thank you Matt and I'm sorry about last night." "No it's okay I had fun" he said and smirked. I smiled and drove home.

I'm glad I left the kids with Amber because Blake might explode. When I got home I saw Blake sitting on the bed playing with a small box. He waited for me, how sweet. He stands up and hugs me. "Baby I'm so sorry about last night. I love you" he said. "No babe it's okay but I do need to tell you something and your not gonna like it." His face looked worried. He sat down on the bed and I stood in front of him. I took a deep breath and said "Last night when I went out to have a drink I had one to many drinks and then I bumped into Matt and we started to drink and talk. We both were drunk and..." I stopped and I hesitated to tell him but he had to know, "we both ended up having drunk sex with eachother."

I closed my eyes and bit my lower lip. I was too scared to see his reaction. He just sat there and he didn't say anything. "I'm so sorry babe" I said and held his hand. He stood up and punched the wall. "Babe I'm sorry but when you said that I needed something to make me feel numb" I said. He grabs his keys and said "I'm going to Matt's house." I stood in front of him and said "No Blake it wasn't his fault. Don't you dare do anything to Matt. I'm sorry and it was a mistake and you made me feel so sad that-" he cuts me off and said "No I'm sorry. I'm the one that made you feel that way." "So your not mad?" I asked. "Babe I'm so fucking angry right now but this is all my fault" he said. I hugged him and said "No it's both of our fault."

He grabs both of my hands and said "Jadah you are the only girl I love and we've been through so much together. You have stuck by me through thick and thin and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He gets down on one knee and pulls out the small box he was playing with. I know what's about to happen and I'm overwhelmed with emotion. He opens the box and theres this gorgeous ring in the box. "Jadah will you marry me?" he asked. I smile and tears are bursting out of me. "Yes! A thousand times yes!" He slids the ring down my finger and kisses my lips. He wipes away my tears and said "I love you Jadah." I smile and said "I love you too."


Aww! I got emotional writting this! I'm so happy for Blake and Jadah. What do you guys think? Are you guys happy for them?! :) Thanks for reading loves. Make sure you comment and VOTE! Next update when this gets more than 10 votes

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