Our First Time

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Chapter 8: [ Jadah's POV ]

*The Next Day*

My alarm clock went off at 7:00 am , I rolled out of bed , went to the bathroom & brushed my teeth. I then went to my closet picked out some black jeans and a blue UCLA shirt. It was spirit day at school today so I had to participate because our basketball coach made us.

I put some shoes on grabbed my backpack and books and headed downstairs to my car. I sat in my car for a while until my engine was warm enough. My phone beeped and I got a message from this photographer who wants to work with me. He has waited for months to work with me and I have been booked so I finally had an opening scheduled for today.

My car was finally warm enough and I drove to school. When I got there I put my school books away in my locker and got my science book. While I was in science class my phone beeped around 9:00 . I don't usually check my phone during class but I checked it jut in case it was that photographer , his name is Sawyer by the way. But it wasn't Sawyer , it was Blake.

His message said " Good Morning Beautiful Want me to go visit you?" I then responded "Haha your too sweet but I have class today , and I have a photo-shoot today." Five minutes later he responded saying "How about I go with you to this photo shoot , just in case the photographer does anything funny around you?" He was too sweet but I guess it was alright. I texted him saying "Fine I'll pick you up at 1:30." He never replied.

*After School*

For me class usually ends at 12:30. So after school I drove home and dropped off all my school stuff and then I texted Blake to give me his address. He gave me his address and I put it on my navigation. system. When I got to the front of his house it was huge and it was amazing. I walk to his front door and knocked on it. When he opened it he said "Hey Beautiful!" "Hey Blake" I said with excitement.

"Come in" he said. "Wow your house is amazing" I said. "Thanks I try my best to keep it clean but I'm always busy" he said. I couldn't stand his house being dirty so while he was getting ready I started sweeping. "What are you doing?" He asked chuckling. "I'm sorry but I'm a bit of a germaphobe... we should get going" I said. We hopped in my car drove over to the photo shoot. This time out car rides got more interesting , we actually had conversations worth listening too.

When we got there I signed in and met Sawyer , the photographer. "Hey Jadah it's so great to finally meet you" he said hugging me. Sawyer was pretty muscular but not a muscular as Blake. He put his hand on my lower back and took me to my dressing room. He didn't even let me introduce Blake to him. Blake didn't really like the idea of him holding me like that. Blake grabbed me by my waist and pulled me close to him.

The photo shoot was a bikini shoot and every time Sawyer took a picture he would say "wow amazing , you look beautiful , you have good curves." When I looked at Blake he didn't look too happy with what Sawyer was saying. His fist was clenched and he was breathing heavily. I told Sawyer "Can we take a quick break?" "Sure just hurry" he said. I ran to Blake in my bikini and gave him a hug to relax him. "Blake don't worry I'm yours" I told him. "I don't like the way he's touching or talking to you" Blake whispered to me. "Don't worry it's just business we'll be done in about 5 minutes" I said. When Sawyer was looking over her Blake took that opportunity and have me a surprise kiss. It was nice until Sawyer said "JADAH...let's get this over with please."

*After Photo Shoot*

When I drove him home he seemed a little upset. "Babe please don't be upset" I told him. "It's not that it's just I'm the jealous type and I really didn't like the way he was touching you or talk-" I cut him off by giving him a kiss. "Why don't you stay with me for tonight?" He asked. "Ugh I don't know" I said. "Please" he begged with that sexy deep voice. "Fine" I finally said.

When I entered his house and he took me to his bedroom. "Don't try anything funny Blake" I said jokingly. "Don't worry" he said. I laid in his bed exhausted. He came out from his bathroom shirtless and in some basketball shorts. Oh my God his body was amazing and his abs were perfect. I was hypnotized by his body. "Jadah....Jadah" he said. "Huh what oh sorry Blake" I said. I couldn't help myself anymore. I grabbed him and threw him on his bed. "I thought you didn't wanna do anything funny" he said. "Do you want me to stop" I said sarcastically. "No" he said. "Good" I said. I took my shirt off and started teasing him. "Jadah please stop" he said. I couldn't help it , it was too funny. This time I let Blake take the lead in sex.

*After Sex*

I woke up the next morning in Blake's bed. I was naked and I only had the sheets covering my body. I turn around and see Blake next to me. I smiled and rested my head on his chest. I rolled out if his bed and picked up my clothes from the floor and got dressed. I was waiting for Blake to wake up but he didn't so I left him a note saying "Thanks for an Amazing Night Love Ya!"

I actually think he could be the one. I just love him so much and I'm so bless to have him.

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