Actually Meeting Him

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You were making your way to your first class after break, books in arms and your head down. You glanced around, enough to make sure you didn't bump into anyone. That was a disaster waiting to happen, considering this was a dating simulator. 

This was English class - one you didn't mind all that much. Apart from one thing: this was the one class you had to sit directly next to him. Well, at the very least, he didn't really talk to you.

 When you reached the class, you pushed the door open and made your way to your seat. Unfortunately for you, he was already there. You sighed as you sat down, letting your books down onto the table in front of you.

You glanced at Senpai - is that what he should be called? What you should call him? You found yourself staring at his hair. It looked just... so soft. What did he put in it to make it that nice? It was just... it wasn't frizzy, and it had a shine to it but it wasn't greasy. And it was curly and bouncy... did he use a curling wand? 

"Uhm, hello?" Your thoughts were interrupted by his voice. You almost fell out of your chair. "I-I'm sorry- I didn't mean to stare for so long- I mean - geez, I cannot speak today, I'm tripping all over my words... eheh..."

You were a red-faced mess and were now trying to avoid eye contact as best you could. I mean, you did that anyway, but now much more than usual.

"No no, it's okay. Here, let me guess. You wanted to know how my hair looked so good?"

His voice was just as soft as his hair, oh no, oh god no. You refused  to catch feelings for this douche - 

"It's just apple and pear shampoo, nothing special," he clarified, smiling charmingly. You felt your heart melting at the sight  - NO, no no no. Definitely not. No, your heart was not melting. It was just... moderately warm. 

"What brand? I can never get my hair to stay how I want it..." Why were you talking to him? Conversing? You didn't know. 

"Oh! I can bring a bottle in for you tomorrow, if you want?" he offered, that warm, almost hypnotizing smile still on his face.

"Sure, yeah! Thanks man!" You smiled back, but only - only - to be polite. And so went on the rest of the day.

FNF Senpai x Reader -this has the slowest updates on wattpad :( -Where stories live. Discover now