✿ t w e n t y f o u r ✿

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"good morning minnie." jungkook says as soon as he opens his eyes and sees a pretty angel looking at him with a smile on his lips.

the window behind jimin is open, the sunlight peaking from jimin. jungkook feels as though he really is in front of an angel.

"god, i love your morning voice so much, kookie." jimin snuggles into jungkook's neck more and breathes in jungkook's normal scent, which is a detergent. jungkook likes the smell of them and if jimin's going to be honest, he's starting to love its smell too. although it might only be what jungkook is using because the scent is nice to the nose, gentle and not stong.

"just my morning voice?"

"no, even your normal voice. wait no, your everything !"

"mhmm.. want me to read you a bed time story every morning?"

"what ? you're so silly." jimin laughs and hits jungkook's chest lightly, the other grins lazily.

"what do you wanna do today, kookie?" lately, all they've been doing is going into lots of dates and helping each other with emergency works. barely seeing anyone they know except each other.

"minnie, it's sunday. i say, every sunday it's cuddle day."

"i like the sound of that."

"of course you do. you can't keep away from me like im your life line."

"you talk as if you don't do it to me too ! im doing the dishes and suddenly you're back hugging me !"

"shh, minnie, your so loud. i said we're going to cuddle all day all night today, right?"

jungkook makes a sound in the background of his throat as he manhandles jimin so his back is against jungkook, spooning him.

"but i like hearing your voice."

"bedtime story it is then"

jimin laughs, "silly!"

after that, everything is quiet. only their soft breathing can be heard as they fall back to sleep again.


"jiminnn !" yoongi yelled as soon as he entered jimin's apartment.

"oh." was what left his mouth when he sees two people in the couch, limbs tangled together like they're one while watching a movie.

"hey yoonie. i miss you." jimin stands up to hug and greet yoongi. jungkook lets him and stands up too.

"sorry, hyung." jungkook scratches the back of his head. a sheepish smile on his lips.

"no, no ! it's okay, i came here unannounced anyway, wanted to surprise and give jimin some company, but apparently his boyfriend is already here to do so."

"you can stay, hyung. don't worry."

"of course, i am. i came here and you thought i was going to leave when i saw you? nope, pay me first."

they laugh and heads to the kitchen to help prepare lunch with yoongi. said he planned a lunch date for him and jimin. good thing, though, it's enough for three people as yoongi thought they can also have the leftovers for dinner, but the plan has changed now.


"can you not in front of me." yoongi groans, playfully complains.

the other two has been acting like a married couple, feeding each other and talking amongst themselves, completely in their own world forgetting about yoongi.

that snaps them from their own world and blushes furiously.

"i know someone -"

"i know someone -"

the couple says at the same time, looking at each other when they realized. yoongi looks at them in disbelief, these two are so whipped for each other no help can do anything to them, he thinks.

"not this again."

after the little argument (not that serious, btw) of them saying who will go first. after the eight time of them saying "no, you can go first." yoongi snaps and just says to tell them what they want to tell at the same time, to which the couple happily agrees. yoongi sighs as they count one to three.

"-that you would love to meet !"

"-that you would love to meet !"

the couple breaks into a laughing fit, yoongi doesn't find anything funny about it but laughs anyway at the couple.


"hyung, did you know?" jungkook starts, eager to announce that him and jimin is officially dating.


"minnie and i are dating !"

"kookie and i are dating!"

yoongi wants to say about how sweet they are that ants is starting to crawl up to him too, but decides against it.

"aren't you already dating before?"

"nope !"

"then you're just screwing each other?"

"hyung ! don't talk about it like that, it's embarrassing !" jimin butts in but yoongi ignores him.

"anyways, im happy for both of you."

"you better be ! because you're going to see the both of us always together now !"

"figured that out from the moment i came here today. the ants keep biting me because of you two."

jimin laughs and snuggles into jungkook's side.


do you know what comes after this?

angst ;)

but dw, i hate angst so i can't right angsty ones so ig this will be only light? but who knows, i might change my mind ;)

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