✿ f i v e ✿

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jimin look at the long line of people and sigh, "this is literally gonna be a looong night." jimin whispered under my breath before saying a goodbye to my butler. jimin got down in front of the entrance of the club. looking up and seeing the name of the nightclub, octagon.

i shouldve just asked for a reservation, ugh im so dumb.

jimin growing salty, he curses the club. suddenly, a light bulb clicked.

maybe i could go and say im park jimin- wait, no one knows me. why did i decided to keep my name a secret, now i regret it.

the light bulb broke.

"are you mr. park jimin?" a voice startles jimin who is glaring daggers on the nightclub still. he eyes the man, too bulky to his liking, too tall to his liking, too- "do i know you?"

"follow me, sir." the bouncer said. jimin decided against it, dude no what if i get killed, no way. but the man headed towards the entrance of the nightclub.

jimin, again, playing with his luck, he followed the man.

meh, he doesnt look suspicious, so why not.

the bouncer, as he stops in front of the entrance and opens the door for him. oooh maybe he knows me?? this is so suspicious maybe i'll indeed get killed. jimin blinks and started walking.

every step he takes more people from the line stairs at him with mouth dropped, drool making its way out of their mouths as they ogle at jimin, who isn't oblivious to the staring. he basks in the attention.

finally entering, he goes straight to the bar and orders a cocktail. rich men eyeing his ass that is squished by the stool that he is sitting on. completely conscious of the staring he winks at one of the men and smiles, biting the straw.

not knowing what to do here, completely alone, he texts his bestfriend taehyung.


i got in :p

how long did you wait lol

not to brag or something but i waited for only 5 mins😉

is your 'gguk' with you?🙈🙉

no you idiot
some bouncer let me in asking if i'm park jimin

surprised you're still alive

me too lmao idk how he knew my name but anyways i got in :p
you're probably here with me if you tagged along

well i couldn't turn down some seggsy time😋


jimin didnt get a chance to reply as the bartender talks to him, "no need to pay by the way, that man over there paid for it already." she winks at jimin and lefts to make some drinks for other people.

jimin looks over,


u can tell how much of a dry texter i am💀

彡fuck! ☁️ jikookWhere stories live. Discover now