✿ t w e l v e ✿

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yoongi made sure to come first before jimin just to pick out the best seat and perhaps order for jimin and hope it still remained as before because if not, that'll be hella awkward. but yoongi said fuck it and trust the process. he is jimin's childhood friend anyway and he knows everything about jimin, except after he left. but knowing how sweet and innocent jimin is, he wouldn't change much. right? - right? ;)

he waited for ten minutes, he came fifteen minutes prior their meeting time to build up confidence. after asking around, jimin's previous neighbors, highschool classmates etc. he finally found someone who has jimin's contact numbers. he came back to korea five months ago, and inside those five months, he went to find jimin or someone who still knows jimin.

yoongi tried to hide his excitement and his normally calm face really helped. he kept checking the time and pulling at the end of his sleeves. when he was about to pull out his phone to check the time again for the nth time, the little bell by the door rang, signaling someone entered. he looked up by instinct, and saw a mop of blonde hair that is lightened by the sun picking out from the glass wall.

yoongi raised his hand and waved when he saw jimin looking around, his gummy smile automatically came onto his face as his eyes makes eye contact with his childhood friend. the latter smiles brightly and excitedly but careful not to bump into anyone while speed walking to yoongi.

yoongi stands up when jimin nears and opens his arms as the latter crushes into him oh-so-dramatically, "jimin!", "yoongi-hyung!" both males whispered into each other happily, falling into a deep nostalgic moment from being into each others presence after not seeing them for so long.

the two broke the hug after several seconds as they feel strange looks from people in the cafe. they bowed and apologized to them before taking a seat, facing each other.

yoongi cannot help but stare at the blonde's baby face, although he is twenty-three now, his face still has some baby fat. jimin's face has always been soft-looking. however, his jawline has grown sharper and lips plumper than ever. eyes looking sharp, an effect from the subtle eyeliner jimin but on and a light smokey eyeshadow. yoongi feels as if he must pay from just looking at jimin's face.

some might think that yoongi is in love with the blonde, by just the way he looks at jimin. but it's just the longing look from the long years he have spent without the younger. yoongi feels no any other feelings for his friend other than friendly.

yoongi, also, have changed. the intimidating yoongi from before replaced with a soft-looking yoongi. from the way he has a small smile now, unlike before, a twenty-four seven frown plastered on his face but that usually went away when he is with jimin. his cute gummy smile now makes jimin want to just put him in his pocket and protect him from the dangers of the world.

before jimin could ask how yoongi has been, yoongi's name has been called from the counter to collect what he ordered. yoongi and jimin went to the counter to quickly collect the food before someone could mistake their seat is now yet taken.

yoongi started, "so, uhm, i'm sorry i ordered anything, but i just want to try if you still like the same things from before." which earned a soft smile from jimin, "of course they still are, yoongi-hyung. i've always loved muffins."

"and also, i may or may not have bought cheese cake from the across the street." jimin giggles, "don't be nervous, hyung. i love all types of food." jimin stated, which earned a whiny protest, "but i do not know if they're your favorite!"

jimin takes a bite of the muffin and sips on the coffee latte yoongi ordered for him, "it's alright, hyung. we are meeting to catch up, no?" yoongi grumbles, but agrees, admitting defeat.

"so, what's your favorite color?" yoongi playfully asks, to which jimin almost chokes from the sudden laugh erupting from him, "hyung! i didn't mean it like that! we aren't kids anymore!" yoongi laughs and just like that, they have fallen into comfortable conversations. just like how they were when they were kids and teenagers.

"have you met a girl you like, yet?" yoongi asks out of the blue, jimin shies and says a negative answer before speaking, "i'm not into girls." yoongi laughs and says he is too. jimin whines, looking offended, "then why did you ask if i have a girlfriend?" , "well, i can't ask if you have a boyfriend, apparently that's more offending."

"well, not to me, i would rather be associated into being gay that being straight. nope, no, thank you." yoongi laughs at jimin.

suddenly, an apple ringtone caught both males attention, yoongi shies as he notices it's his phone. he considered not to answer it as nothing is more important than spending time with his childhood friend. but jimin insisted, anyway, it might be important or an emergency. hence, he is now standing outside of the cafe, talking to the annoying bunny-like human, apparently named jungkook.

"hyung, why didn't you say you are in korea! in seoul, even! you know i'm always here." jungkook whined, "what? how'd you know? and aren't you doing works like a ceo is supposed to do? dude, you're the ceo and yet you are slacking!" yoongi scolds, trying to change the topic, because maybe, just maybe, he forgot about jungkook's existence. jungkook is like a pest you can't remove from your life once you meet him and would be always up your business. hell, how did he even found out yoongi is here. jungkook is a teenager in a grown up man body.

"where are you hyung? let's meet up!" jungkook excitedly asks as he ignores what the older just said, which earned a hurried no from yoongi, "i'm busy, and i'm with someone."

"what, hyung? you already have a boyfriend and you haven't told me?" jungkook gasps dramatically, "see, hyung. this is why we need to meet up and catch up with some things."

"no, jungkook, i'm with a friend and we're catching up. i don't need your sorry ass butting into our conversations." which earned an annoyed sigh, how ironic, yoongi is too. "hyung, let's just meet up. and maybe, you can introduce me to your friend, you know?"

"no, just be a normal ceo with loads of work so you can not annoy me again."

ugh, why is this pest so hard to get rid of. here i am spending some good time with my good friend, and suddenly a pest is here. yoongi thinks annoyed, his time with his friend is interrupted by an annoying bunny.

"ah, hyung! i'm already stressed from work because i'm a ceo, and you still want me to have more work? do you want me to die of stress, hyung?"

"hm.. what a good fucking idea. bye." yoongi was about to hit the end button when jungkook's panicked yelling was so loud that a few people turned their head to his way.

"what. the fuck. do you want." yoongi gritted his teeth while bowing to the people around him and apologizing.

"let's meet up, hyung. please." yoongi knew jungkook would keep asking to meet up with him until yoongi says yes. he knew that from past experience when jungkook visited california. there was one time when jungkook is still carrying his luggage with him, fresh from the airport, asked to meet up with yoongi.

so, he said yes. and here he is now, apologizing to jimin.

"hyung, it's okay. i love meeting new people." jimin said smiling, so pure and gentle. yoongi found himself relaxing at jimin's smile. "okay, if you so. i'm really sorry, though. this person is so persistent."

"what's he like, hyung?"

"annoying." yoongi deadpans, making jimin laugh. yoongi finds himself smiling a little. "seriously?"

"seriously. you'll find out when you meet him. that kid has too much energy that it wears me out." jimin giggles and says if you say so.


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