✿ f o u r t e e n ✿

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after the endless teasing, it is now almost sunset and eventually, the three had to go back to their places. but jimin was reluctant to let his childhood friend go.

"hyung, stay at my place for night, please. it's been so long since we last saw each other," jimin readies his puppy eyes and pouts, "don't you miss me?" and to that, yoongi sighs and agrees.

but someone had to butt in and break the two friend's moment, "what about me?" jungkook stares at the two.

"you, jeon jeongguk, get your ass back to your own house." yoongi states to which has jungkook whining like a kid who wants things to go their way. well, for starters, jungkook has always been spoiled ever since he was brought to this world, and he has his ways to get things his own way. he may be childish at times, but when it comes to work he is as serious as ever.

that is now why the jeon enterprises have tripled the amount of success ever since it had been handed to jungkook. the jeon enterprises was only one of the top ten most successful business before jeon jeongguk, but now it us one of the top three most successful.

not only is he smart, but he also was blessed in the looks department. with only flashing his dazzling smile to the clients, the contract is already sealed. but jungkook knew who to trust and not to trust as he is in the business world already ever since he was seven years old.


jungkook steps into jimin's apartment after jimin opened the door and went inside. purposely shoving yoongi lightly to the side to go in before the oldest of the three does.

jungkook, no doubt, got a hard eye glare from yoongi, but only earns a childish tongue poking out of the younger's mouth. as soon as the younger looks away, he receives a harsh slap on the back of his neck, the sound echoing. jungkook looks at yoongi with wide eyes, "behave." yoongi states with icy glare, and jungkook just scoffs and looks away to take off his shoes, but yoongi knows he will.

"what are you two fighting about?" jimin eyes the two boys in his front door.


"i figured we could watch a movie, and i have netflix so just look for a movie you like. i will get some snacks." jimins says as he heads to the kitched after passing the remote for his smart tv in the living room.

"iron man!" jungkook yells and tried to grab the remote from yoongi's grasps but the elder was fast to dodge jungkook. jimin chuckled at jungkook's choice of movie, although not aware of the fight between the two.

after half an hour, jimin has gathered the snacks and had received the softdrinks he had ordered from the market several blocks from him. and the two have chosen a movie, only waiting for jimin.

the two had settled into a marvel movie.

"okay!" jimin sighs happily and claps his hand once as he plops between the two bodies in his couch.

in the middle of the movie, jimin says, "wow, hulk is so strong! i like him." to which earns a responce from jungkook, "i could lift you up, too!" and jimin blushes at the innocent statement from jungkook, but jimin's brain decided to go back into that time when jungkook had fucked him standing up whilst jimin is clinging close to him, the blonde enjoying the biceps and back muscles he is grasping.

the movie ends, and unfortunately the snacks, too, are now gone.

which means it's already bed time. fortunately, jimin is prepared for sleepovers as he have some spare clothes and a two guest rooms. although when jimin had seen his t-shirt on jungkook, it made him blush so hard as the shirt is too small for his very muscular body, and he can see the evident muscles in the t-shirt.

the shirt yoongi is wearing, though, is just right to his body frame, but still small for him.

"woah, jungkook, you might as well not wear a shirt." yoongi comments when he sees jungkook after he came out of the bathroom to take a quick shower to wash the chip crumbs from his body as he accidentally grabbed the chip bag upside down, causing it to all fall on him.


"no." yoongi deadpans, not wanting to be between his favorite childhood friend ogling at the almost shirtless jungkook.

"are you two tired?" jimin asks, finally breaking from staring at jungkook's evident muscles, as much as it is distracting, he needs to act good to his guests.

"yes, to be honest."


both males answers, obviously the no is from the over-energetic bunny.

"well, you two can talk or whatever. just don't fuck. i want to take a sleep."

"hyung!" jimin gasps scandalized, yoongi laughs, "i'm kidding, but if you're gonna fuck, be sure to be quiet." jimin huffs and guides yoongi to a guest room. the two guest room's door facing each other.

"good night, hyung. have a good night sleep." jimin smiles, "good night." yoongi hugs jimin. "be sure to have protection." yoongi winks at jimin after breaking away and closes the door to the red jimin,

"we are not going to have sex, hyung!" jimin yells and hears a laugh from the other side of the door.


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