Chapter 3

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Alexa entered her cabin. It was her first day after that meeting, she prepared herself to face Andersons. There was a knock on the door & she ordered to come in "How are you Alex" she turned towards the door, she was shocked to see the person there. "Asher" she whispered. "Wont you welcome your old friend Alex" he said with a smile. She ran & hugged him. He also hugged her back, she cried in his embrace "Shushh....enough I have come now. Dont worry" he rubbed her back to calm her. She broke the hug, she was still crying "Where is my Alex huh" "I missed you very much Ash" she told wiping her tears. "I too missed you too Baby but I only went for 1 week" he patted her cheek "Still I missed you. You know that after Brian, you are the only one whom I can be myself" she hugged him again. He smiled at her. They sat together for few minutes & was talking to each other when her PA came & informed about the arrival of Andersons & Atlas Corp. Alexa nodded positively & informed that she will come in a second. "So Zander Anderson is here.... Are you fine Alex ?? I mean Zander" Asher was interrupted by Alexa "Yes Ash I am absolutely fine. And about Mr. Anderson, you know we have been enemies since ages. I dont care about them, I just want to complete my deal honestly" she said with determined face. Asher smiled at her "All the Best. And just remember that you should not let the past overpower you okay" he advised & kissed her forehead. Alexa nodded & left the cabin for the meeting.


Renee entered Tyler's room to check him. She was nervous as Harriet was on leave today & she had her to do her duty as well as Harriet's duty also. Rene was relived when she saw Tyler sleeping, so without disturbing him she started to check him. She was writing the readings from the monitor, she slowly holds his hands to check his heartbeat rate. Tyler woke up as he sensed someone holding his hand. He was shocked to see her there. Last time she came to his room was after the surgery. After that day only Harriet came to check him. Though Renee was embarrassed but maintained the stern face as she is doing her duty. Tyler was very happy to see her there, he was gazing her lovingly. "Renee" he whispered "Its Renesme Mr. Williams" she corrected him & continued to check him. He was hurt it was clear from his face. She was going to leave the room when he said "I am Sorry". Renee stopped in her track, a lone tear escaped from her eyes. "It too late Mr. Williams" she said without turning & left the place.


Tris left the studio after recording her new song. She entered her favorite coffee shop. She sat & placed the order. Brian entered the same coffee shop & saw Tris sitting there. He went towards her & greeted her "Hey what a surprise" she exclaimed, he side hugged her "May I?" "Sure". He sat there & placed his order "So whatsup" he asked "Am fine what about you" "Am absolutely fine. I have fashion show coming in a week & was searching for a show stopper" he informed. She just smiled, few moments later their order came. Suddenly Brian got an idea "Hey I have an idea, can you be the show stopper if you are free" he asked. Tris was shocked to listen that "Please Tris, this show is the biggest one ever I have conducted & its very special for me. And you are my beat friend..Please Tris" he pleaded. She smiled at him & said "Okay I will do it, only for you". Brian jumped in happiness, he hugged & kissed her on her cheeks. Tris was taken back due to the kiss, she stared at him. He looked at her, thats when he realized what he did "I am sorry in excitement" he was cut by her "Its fine Brian, we are friends right" "Ya we are friends" he replied in low tone. They chatted together & then bid bye to each other. Tris drove towards her apartment. She entered her apartment & locked the door. Brian sighed in relief when he saw her locking the door. He looked around here & there confirming no one saw him there. He stepped out of the building & drove towards Williams Corporation.


"So we will finalize this design" Mr. Jonas said. Alexa & Zander nodded positively. After so much discussions & fights they decided on one design. Mr. Jonas was having a very difficult time handling both of them, he know the feudal enmity between them so he decided no to interfere instead he advised him to work together atleast on this project. After the meeting they all left to their respective places. Alexa entered her cabin & going to close the door when Zander stormed in  "What the hell" Alexa shouted. Zander smirked at her, he casually went & sat on the couch without giving any heed to Alexa. "Mr. Anderson, what are you doing here? The meeting is over now you can leave" she said politely suppressing down her anger. "Oh come on Alex!! I know the meeting is over. We are partners now right so we will spend more time together" he smiled at her sweetly. She stared at him angrily "So what should I do. Dont forget, U & me are not the only partners Mr. Jones is also there. And I cant see Mr. Jones here so please leave Mr. Anderson" she shouted at him. Zander stood up & walked towards her, she walked backwards till her back collided with the wall. Zander leaned towards her, he was very close to her face "Why Alex am I not enough to satisfy you huh ?? Oh you want your play toy Brian also" he whispered. Listening to this she clenched her fist & punched him on his stomach "How dare you Zander" she yelled at him. He was holding his stomach in pain "Oh my my. Its the truth Miss Alexandra William you will do anything for your benefit" he retorted. Now he invited a slap from Alexa but this time he also slapped her back. She punched on his face back. Zander caught her collar & she also caught his collar "How dare you Zander & how could you" she was very angry that her nose started to bleed. Zander noticed that but he was emotionless "In the same way how you did that thing for your own benefit Miss Alexandra Willams" he said still holding her collar. 

Suddenly Brian & Asher entered & was shocked to see them like this "Zander Alex" they both said in unison. But Zander & Alexa was still in the same position. Asher & Brian ran towards them & tried to separate them. "Alex leave him" Brian told her while separating  her from Zander. Even Asher was doing the same thing "Leave me Bri, he have crossed his limits now" Alexa said trying get hold of Zander "I will not leave her today Ash" Zander was in the same state. Asher & Brian was tired now & atlast they shouted in frustration "Guys Stop it"

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