Chapter 6

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Alex was working on her laptop when her pa Claire came & handed some letters to her. She looked at the letters, there was a letter from her college. She opens her letter & read it. She sighs after reading it, she lights a cigar & takes a puff when Brian enters her cabin. "Alex!!" he stares at her then at the cigar "Am not going to throw it, I just lighted it." she replies.

Brian sighs & puts a letter in front of the table "Did you get letter from College for the Reunion??". She passes the cigar to him, she puts her letter in front of him. Brian hesitates to take a puff from cigar but at last breathes it & passes it back to her.  "Are you going??" he asks "I don't know, if I don't have any meetings or anything I will try to go. What about you?" she takes another drag. Brian shrugs "I don't know, like you said if anything doesn't show up then will go but only if you are there."

Alexa leans on her chair, she takes another puff & passes it to him. She looks up "Its been 5 years since we have graduated from college." a lone tear rolls from her eyes. Brian looks at her & takes a puff. "Its been 5 years from that wretched  day which made our lives hell" she looks at him.

Alexa smiles sarcastically "Huh...Valkos ...William Twins...Trio.." she laughs like a maniac. Brian looks at her with sad smile "We always trusted in wrong people Alex". "True that" suddenly she gets up, sits in front of Brian. She takes his hand "Brian, please dont leave me. I cant take that please. I lost everyone, you" before she could complete her sentence, Brian immediately hugs her "What are you saying Alex!! I will never leave you, I promise. Where will I go!! even I lost everyone. You are my everything Alex!!" he also sobs on her shoulder.


Renesme slouched on her couch when Beatrix entered her office and dropped the letter on her table. Renesme looked at her then at the letter. "Reunion!!" she read the the letter. Beatrix nodded "College Reunion Rene. I will go, they have specially invited me".

St. Petersburg College have many memories. Both good and bad ones. When Renesme graduated from college, she swore that she will never enter that college again. She missed her college now, especially her friends.

Rene's trail of memories were broken when Beatrix called her. "Rene, I know that Petersburg has many awful memories but we have made good one also. I want you to come with me, Rene. Please" Beatrix begged her. She looked confused but Beatrix assured "I am sure neither Williams nor Brian will be there. They are very busy people, Rene. And moreover I heard that Alexandra has a meeting on that day from my friend, Brian will not come without her. Talking about Tyler, lets face him if he shows up. We have to face him, Rene". Rene looked at her, then smiled "Okay I will come". 


Zander and Asher were having lunch together. "Zander, did you get our College Reunion Invitation?" Asher asked. Zander just nodded while eating "Yes, I got but I dint open the invitation". "Will you go?" Asher asked.

Zander stopped in the middle and looked at Asher. He then looked at the window. He never thought that there will be a day like this. Sure, he has imagined that they will have Reunion after graduating but that time was different. During those days he thought he will attend the Union with his friends and his then girlfriend who could have become his wife till now but now the scenario was completely different. Still he will attend the function.

Zander resumed eating and answered "Yes Ash, I will go. In fact, we all will go together. We will drag Tyler with us for the Party". Asher grinned and nodded his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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