Chapter 5

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"WHAT" Tyler & Rene shouted & looked at Alexa. "YOU THINK ITS A SMALL THINK ALEX?" Brian shouted at her "I was stressed" Alexa replied looking down

"That doesnt mean that you can drink or smoke. Even your father didnt touch alcohol except wine & you" Anna shouted "Mom please. Dad & I are two different persons. The way he does everything is different from mine. My life is very different from his" she explained

"THAT DOESNT MEAN YOU CAN DRINK & HAVE CIGARATTE" Tobias shouted at her. "Brian how could you" he looked at Brian who was unknown to this factor of Alexa being an alcoholic "He dont know anything. He was completely strange to this fact like you all. I know he will stop me from this thasty I dint drink or smoke in front of him" Alexa said

"Alex you have become an addict do you know what it means?" Anne asked. Tyler looked at his mom "How did you know that she have become an addict" "I noticed her Alex for many days. Her dark circles , her pale face. We traced her & found out that she have been dinking & smoking everyday" Brian & Tobias said

"Alex" Tyler was going to say something when she cut him "You dont need to comment or advise me. My father & mother is there for that" these words stabbed Tyler's heart very badly. Rene was shocked to see the scene, she was going to leave when Anna stopped her saying that Rene is just like a family. Rene was actually flabbergasted from the revelation of Alexa being a alcoholic. The thing which made her disgusted was the way Alexa behaved with Tyler.

"Alex he is your brother" Brian said in stern tone "Then where was he for past three years Brian" Alexa asked directly.

Tobias & Anna never knew the reason of the distance that crept between their twins. They thought it was mere fight they will resolve it in months but when days, months & years passed by, they tried to interfere between them but failed as they both told they dont want them to get hurt in their mess. But today's statement made them doubt on Alexa "Alexa please listen to me, its not good" Tyler was again cut by Alexa "Didnt I tell you not to poke your fucking nasty nose in my life Mr. Williams" a moment later she was awarded with a slap on her face."IS THIS THE WAY TO BEHAVE WITH YOUR BROTHER ALEX" Anna shouted "Yes this is my way to behave with this punk" she said & stormed out of house.

No one followed her. They all froze hearing Alexa, this was not their Alexa, she was different. "What happen to my daughter, she is not our Alex" Tobias & Ann thought .

"I know what made you harsh Alex, but drinking & smoking in this state will make it worse" Brian thought,

"We were wrong when we judged Alex, she always put a mask of goodness" Rene thought. But Tyler's brain was froze on only some few words "Mr. William; Punk; dont poke your nose in my life;" .

Rene brought them out from their thoughts by asking "Uncle, Aunt I have found these medicines from her room" she gave those medicines to Tobias & Ann. Brian's eyes widens when he saw those which wasnt unnoticed by Tyler .

"I dont about these medicines" Ann said while observing those strips "As far as we know, she dont suffer any kind of diseases" Tobias replied "I am not sure but these medicines are mostly prescribed by Psychiatrist, I dont know that much as its not my department" Rene explained.

"Brian do you know about these" Anne asked "No" he replied immediately, Tyler looked at him with suspicion "I seriously dont know anything" Brian said.

Tyler dragged Brian with him while Rene also joined them "Tell me Brian what are you hiding" Tyler grabbed his collar "What do you mean?? And what is this behavior ..leave me Tyler" he tried to free himself from Tyler's hold.

"Look Brian if you know anything about these meds please tell us" Tyler said "I said that I dont know anything" "Stop lying, you must not be knowing Alex's drinking & smoking habits but you are aware of her medicines. I saw your reactions when Rene brought the topic" Rene looked at Brian

"Brian please tell us" Rene said. Brian looked at the people who are standing in front of her & said "None of your business" he pushed Tyler with all force. "Dont you dare Brian" Tyler was cut by Brian "Ohh shut up. Now dont give the lecture that I-AM-HER-TWIN-BROTHER. Becaz I know its all fake okay. Even if I know about her medicines I wont tell you both specially you Tyler Williams" Brian poked Tyler.

Rene stood in front of him "Look Brian he is her brother so you should stay" Rene was interrupted by Brian "I will not stay out her matter. We have grown up together Renesme Collins, you dont what relation we share okay. Ahh silly me, why am talking to those people who dont the value of relations. And why suddenly you both have started to worry about Alex after these 3 years huh??? . WHY??!! Ain't Alex & me the same selfish, shameless, bitch & dog" Brian asked sarcastically which hurt Tyler.

"Dont you dare tell that we dont the value of relations Brian, Alex & you were the one who put us this situation, you were the one stabbed us okay" Rene retorted.

Brian chose not to reply her & moved forward to Tyler "Its been 3 years...3 fucking years still you believe ... cheee...Shame on you, a person who cant trust his own twin sister will never belong to anyone. Do you know why did she curse you Tyler" Brian made Tyler face him "Becaz from today onwards, she is only Tobias & Ann Williams daughter, Andrew & Tiana's sister & my best friend. She dont have any one others than these people" he looked at Tyler's eyes & said.

Tyler grabbed his collar "Brian" "Dont get angry, these are her words Tyler Williams. You have made her to disown you, you all have made her to do this. And you know I dont blame her, what she did is absolutely correct after what happen today" Brian pushed him "What do you mean" Tyler asked "Go & ask that bastard called ZANDER ANDERSON. Ask that dog & Asher about today's incident beacaz I know you will not believe me" Brian said & left the house.

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