Chapter 1

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She was standing facing the window. The media was just downstairs waiting for their response.  She sighed deeply, she hated this 'Media'. Due to her position, she was always in the eye of the public, she couldn't even breathe properly due to the interference of Media in her personal life. It was ok when it come to her professional life. But today, it is different from other days as in a few minutes Andersons and other businessmen will be arriving there for Big Deal. The meeting was held at her office and she was also competing with others to bag the deal. She didn't care about others but the one she cared was about  Anderson.

 Williams and Andersons have been enemies for 12 damn long years, like her fathers she also competed with them. It's been a few years since she joined her father's business. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled, it was not easy for her to maintain the reputation and status of this company after her father's retirement but she maintained it, moreover, after becoming CEO of William Corp., the profit increased by 60%. Earlier she thought that her brother will also join the business with her but he chose to be an actor, he followed his passion like her. She was more than happy for him. They always shared a love-hate relationship specifically hate from the past few years still she wanted her brother to be with her today. Even though she wanted her best friend to be with her but she couldn't take the risk as it will worsen the situation.

"Alex, Andersons are here. They are at the conference hall. We are waiting for you" Her PA Clara informed her. She nodded, took her file and handed it to Clara. "All the best Alex. Don't worry" Clara assured, she smiled. Clara was her pa and friend. She composed herself, maintained her stern posture and headed towards the conference hall. 

The Andersons and other Businessmen were waiting for her. She entered and greeted everyone. At last, she came to Andersons to greet "Good Morning Mr. Anderson. Finally it feels good to meet you face to face rather than meeting indirectly" she smiled. Mr. Anderson smiled sarcastically "Yes you are right. But it's not like we haven't met before right" he smirked. She gritted her teeth but composed herself  "Yes we have met before but we are meeting for the first time as the CEOs of our company, right Mr. Anderson" she retorted. The Queens Corp. from New York had arrived in London to start a new project. It was a big opportunity for London's businessmen to spread their business in States also. They advised them to start the presentations. One by one everyone was giving their respective presentation but Xander & Alexandra were not at all interested in the other's presentation. They only cared about their part.

It was Alex's turn she got up & composed herself & gave her presentation confidently. After that Xander gave his presentation nicely. They all are waiting for the results. The CEO of Queens Mr. Albert Queen came & announced "Ladies & Gentlemen all the presentations were good but we have to choose one. It was tough competition. It was difficult to choose one, so we chose three companies. So the deal is bagged by Anderson Corp" Listening to this Xander smirked at Alexandra but she was still confident about her performance. Albert continued "Anderson Corp., Atlas Corp & William Corp has bagged the deal. Congratulations Guys" Albert smiled & left the hall as he got a call, now everyone's eyes were on Xander & Alexandra. They all know about the feudal enmity between Andersons & Williams. And now they had to work together. 

Xander clenched his fist in anger while Alexandra stormed out of the hall. She marched towards her cabin. She started to throw her things here & there. Her anger was on peak. Suddenly someone entered the cabin "I don't want to meet anyone. Please go" she yelled in frustration without turning back. As she still sensed that someone was there she turned towards the person. She marched towards the person & caught her collar. "What the hell are you doing here Mr. Xander Anderson, haven't you done enough by playing your dirty cards to get the deal huh" she yelled at him in frustration. Listening to her accusations he removed her hands & pinned her hands behind her harshly "Don't you dare to put that accusation on me. Ahh, how can I forget, the person who has done the crime itself blames others? Listen Miss Alexandra William you have played your cards to get the deal but now I am not going to back off. I will wait for you to back off from this as working with me will be equal to living in hell" he smirked. She kicked his legs causing him to release her "Then you also listen, not in this life I will back off from this. You are saying that I will face hell then you don't know me. I am Alexandra William, a devil herself, the Queen of hell. Brace yourselves Mr. Anderson" she stormed out of her cabin.

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