Chapter 4

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"Guys stop it" both Asher & Brian shouted. Zander & Alexa left each other's collar but still were glaring at each other. A lone tear escaped from her eyes & some drop blood to realized from her nose, she immediately wiped both of them. Brian saw this & handed over her a tissue, Asher also noticed & asked "Alex, your nose is bleeding, what happen?" "Ash she" Brian was cut by Alexa "Nothing Ash I...I...I am fine" she looked here & there & wiped the blood.  Zander frowned, what is she hiding??  he thought. Brian turned to Zander "Zan leave the place if you dont have anything to ask or do professionally", Zander smirked "Ohh ya I leave....Asher come on, we should give them both sometime alone. And of course you might be knowing for what...ahmmm" he then came closer to Brian & whispered "How is she in bed Brian, You might knowing well" he couldnt complete as he was received by a punch on his face by Brian. "You bastard" he punched him again. Asher & Alexa separated both of them "Bri leave him" Alexa shouted. Zander got up & cleaned himself "Of course, if he hadnt left me, then I would have broke his bones then how will you get laid & fucked" he smirked "ZANDER" Asher shouted. Alexa didnt have any emotion, she was broken from inside but didnt show anything "How could you Zan!! I never thought that you will Cheee!! I feel disgusted now " Asher pushed him "Then just think how disgusting thing they are doing. I just told that how she is, how he is. I have seen it with my own eyes Ash....with my own eyes. Can you ever imagine my condition NO NEVER" Zander burst out. "FOR GOD SAKE ZANDER WE TOLD YOU WE DIDNT DO ANYTHING WRONG" Brian replied him frustrated "OH yes you both never did wrong. I was wrong" Zander chuckled sadly. "Get Out" Alexa broke her silence at last. They looked at her "I said get out" she said calmly. Asher dragged Zander out but he stopped in his track & went towards her "This is not the end Alexandra Williams. Its just the beginning, you will face hell everyday. And this war is not just between Andersons & Williams but its between You & me, Zan vs Alex. And this time you are going to fail miserably " he warned. He was going to leave when he heard her "Then you dont know me Zander. But the war is not between Zan & Alex, its Zander Anderson vs Alexandra Williams. And we Williams dont have a history of defeat. Beware Zander, you dont know the real Alexandra Williams." she smirked "We will see" Zander said & left with Asher.

Alexa collapsed on the floor. Brian went to here & hugged her "Alexa if you want to cry just cry out please". But she still sat silently hugging him, she was numb. Her emotions have washed away a very long ago. She washed it slightly when she left the collage, then she washed it again leaving some portion after entering business as the CEO of Williams Corp. Now after listening to Zander's words she washed it completely , the last hope which she had was also lost. Presently she had emotion only for her dad, mom, Andrew(  elder brother of Alexa & Tyler), Tiana ( sister of the twins & Andrews) & Brian. No one else not even her own twin brother Tyler have a place in her heart now. She is just the Daughter of Tobias Williams & Anna Catherine Williams, sister of Andrew & Tiana Williams & best friend of Brian Marshall. She just stood up silently & went to her desk & resumed with her work. Brian just saw her, he was scared for her. Last time he handled her but this time he cant as he himself was miserable & broken. Brian & Alexa were there for each other since all left them. They supported each other, looked after each other & loved each other immensely. Brian, Alexa & Tyler have crossed all the hurdles since their birth together but for the past few years there is only one difference, they both had Tyler with them since they were born but now they both are alone.

Tyler was discharged & Rene was restless, she had told by her senior Doctors that she will looking after Tyler for few days as Harriet is out of town. She had to go to his house for checkup. She was suspicious Tyler was behind this order. But she shrugged of every thought & reminded herself that she is a doctor. She will do her work & leave thats it. But she was afraid that she had to face Alexa still she went towards Tyler's home after picking up her things.

She was greeted by Anna William his mother "Welcome Rene" she hugged her "Its been so long since we have met properly..come dear" Anna made her sit on the couch & brought something to drink for Rene. She sensed that Alexa was not in the house. Anna came with the drink, they both talked to each other for sometime. Anna then told her that Tyler is upstairs. Rene was not new to their house, she have visited before also. She was going to Tyler's room when she noticed Alexa's room. She fought with herself to not to enter room at last she entered her room. Rene saw that the room have changed a lot. The room's color used to be yellow, now the room is filled with black & white things including the paint on the wall. She saw a big photo wall hanged there.

 She saw a big photo wall hanged there

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A small smile crept on her face. She looked at their photo, ahh what days were they, full of happiness & joy. She immediately took out her phone & took a photo of the Picture hanging. She heard someone opening the door, she turned & saw her "Renee" "Alex". A lone tear escaped from Renesme's eyes, its been years that they have met. Alexa made a emotionless face & stood at the entrance. "Alex" they heard a voice & turned around "Renesme you here?" "Hey Brian" Renesme smiled "Hey long time, how are you" Brian asked "Fine what about you both" "We are fine Renee" he smiled, Alexa still made a emotionless face. "I came to check Tyler" Rene justified for being in Alex's room "Oh his room his next" Brian told. Rene nodded, she was going to leave the room when she saw some medicines in the table which made her confuse. She left the room & was going to Tyler's room when she heard "Come on Alex, we have to leave for the meeting. Take your medicines first" Brian said "Ya but the strips are over, I will order them" Alexa said.

Renne entered Tyler's room thinking about the medicine which she saw in Alexa's table. She heard bathroom shower so assumed that Tyler is in bathroom. She sat on couch & looked around. She saw the photo wall.

A lone tear escaped from her eyes seeing the pictures

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A lone tear escaped from her eyes seeing the pictures. "Rene" she heard Tyler "Hey I came to check you" she told. He nodded & sat on the bed. She started to check him while his gaze was in her. She knew it but ignored the gaze & controlled her emotions. Then something strike & asked him "Actually I saw some medicines's table. I mean do you know what happen to her" she asked nervously. Tyler closed his eyes in pain "I dont know anything" "I am sorry If I invaded your" she was cut by Tyler "No you shouldn't be sorry. And I really dont know anything about her for past 3 years. I dont know what happens to her, how is she...nothing" he said sadly "She is your twin sister" Renee remined him "I know she is my other half but for the past 3 years, we..we have been distant. She never stays at home. She lives in her own apartment, even Brian have reduced coming to home. They both visits us when Mom & Dad ask them, she comes to house if she have to take something from her room" Tyler sobs. Rene looked at him, he was miserable. Couldn't Alex see that?? Of course she only cares about herself & Brian- Renee thought. Suddenly they heard a commotion from downstairs.

"When did you start this Alex" Anna shouted at Alex. Her father Tobias was also standing there furiously. "Brian you could have stopped her" Tobias said "Trust me Uncle, even I dint know that she was doing this" Brian looked at Alexa furiously. Rene & Tyler came downstairs. "Mom Dad whats the problem, its a small thing" Alexa shrugged. Tobias then shouted at her "NO ALEXANDRA WILLIAMS SMOKING & DRINKING IS NOT A SMALL THING"

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