Chapter 10: Mew-Hoo, Mew-Hoo

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Chapter 10: Mew-Hoo, Mew-Hoo

Amara POV

Three days had passed since Tu Lan was carried to another ship and taken back to the Fire Nation. Not having him nearby was strange, but I wanted him to get better so I tried my best to not let it depress me. When Iroh had received a messenger hawk telling us that Tu Lan had made it safely into Fire Nation waters the next day, I was so relieved to hear. I had been concerned Zhao might've found out Tu Lan was on another ship and sent someone to kill him while he was still in the Earth Kingdom. I was certain my brother blamed Tu Lan for everything. The bounty hunter had even said Zhao gave him permission to kill Tu Lan. However, Iroh reassured me that Zhao wouldn't dare attack a Fire Nation civilian ship in Fire Nation waters, so the danger had passed.

Tu Lan was safe.

One thing I noticed after Tu Lan's departure was Zuko. He was still acting strange around me. He kept seeming like he wanted to say something to me, but was holding back. When I practiced firebending the other morning, he watched my movements with much more attention than usual. He also kept staring at my necklace a lot. I asked Iroh if he knew what was on Zuko's mind. Iroh just answered jokingly, "If it's not the Avatar, then I am at a loss."

I decided I would ask Zuko later what was wrong if he didn't explain it to me. Because I really wanted to know what was bothering him, and why he kept staring at me with so much curiosity. He was making me... nervous.

The door was thrown open suddenly causing a creak to echo.

"Uncle! Why did you change our course?!"

I was startled by the noise and looked up to see Zuko had barged into the room. Iroh was going over more reading and writing with me. I was finally able to read a few words and was so relieved I could show Iroh that his teaching was paying off. In the last three days, I had stayed busy with firebending, my literary studies, and waterbending. Since Tu Lan had left the ship, I felt like a piece of me was missing. So, I had been working hard to fill the emptiness through studying and training.

My ankle was feeling better as the days passed. There was still a tenderness, but I could finally walk with only slight discomfort. Physician Ju still made me wrap it for support, but he had finally relaxed on his reluctance towards my firebending practice.

"There is a door for a reason, Prince Zuko. Amara doesn't go barging into your room and shouting," Iroh scolded, reviewing the characters I had written out with my quill and ink on the parchment. "What if she were indecent?"

The prince was silenced for a moment. I looked at him and he looked at me. His cheeks seemed to turn a shade red. My heart fluttered.

Zuko looked back at his uncle quickly, trying to go back to his original inquiry. "You... you never answered my question!"

Iroh let out a heavy breath, and I stared at the man with my own curiosity. "If you are that desperate for an answer, then I will tell you. There is a collection of hot springs in the area. These last few weeks have been quite stressful and I need some relaxation. While I soak my worries, you can scout the area with some guards and Amara as your company."

I looked over at Zuko again, who was staring at his uncle with disbelief. "Hot springs? You changed our course for Hot Springs?!"

"Prince Zuko. If you wouldn't shout then maybe you would let me finish. I also received reports that the Avatar has been spotted near this area. This could be an opportunity for you as well."

"Then why on earth would you want Amara to go with me?! A battle could break out!"

Iroh didn't seem concerned. "The Avatar will not hurt Amara. And she hasn't walked on land since the attack a few days ago. I don't want her to be afraid of being off the ship, so this is a chance for her to get comfortable again."

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