Chapter 17: Retribution

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Chapter 17: Retribution

(Amara POV)

We had been docked for the last day. From what I heard, the Avatar appeared to be headed north to the Northern Water Tribe. Zuko told me that he believed the Avatar was going there to find a teacher to master waterbending. We were anchored at a Fire Nation harbor on the northern coast of the Earth Kingdom so Zuko could plan his next course of action.

I had been staying in my room a lot since my panic and attempt to jump ship the other week. Part of me was embarrassed by my rashness, while the other part of me felt uncomfortable due to my reveal to everyone that I was against them. The few crewmen I ran into tried to reassure me that no one hated me and they missed seeing me around. I was appreciative that they were offering me comfort, but I felt too much like an outsider to go back to the way things were.

Part of me really wished Tu Lan were still with me. The longer I was alone, the more I thought about the man that had once been there my whole childhood. I missed him. I worried about him. He had sacrificed so much for me. If there was anyone in the Fire Nation I believed to be truly good it would be him. I hoped more than anything he was healing and restoring his ability to walk.

A knock suddenly sounded on my door. I placed the water I had been bending back in the bowl beside me. I was practicing heating the liquid again. It was finally becoming second nature to me. Standing from my table, I hesitated to open the door. I wasn't sure who was on the other side.

Thankfully, I didn't have to ask.

"Amara. It's Zuko. Can I come in?"

I felt my heart flutter. It always did when I heard Zuko's voice. Despite our differences, I still loved him. I finally understood love a lot more than before. Zuko was someone that made me happy, and feel safe. He was someone I enjoyed being with. The thought of leaving him made me dread the day I would have to say goodbye.

I loved him... but I knew when I found my family I would have to leave him...

Walking over, I opened the door to see him standing on the other side with some dinner on a tray. My heart warmed when his gold eyes met my gaze. "Uncle wanted me to let you know the crew is having food and music up on deck. I brought your dinner down, but if you want to go—"

I gave a small smile, cutting him off. "Thanks. I'll just eat here..." I went to take the tray, but then I realized there were two plates.

He noticed my eyes on the second plate and dropped his gaze with flushed cheeks. "Mind if I join you? I'm trying to avoid Uncle. I hate music night."

I liked the idea of eating with Zuko a lot. I nodded. "Sure. I... could use company." I stepped aside and he came in. I shut the door behind and joined him at the low table. He handed me a plate of rice and fish. I took it with a small thanks.

"You know," Zuko said softly. "You really don't have to hide down here. No one is mad at you. They're all actually worried. If anything, I'm on everyone's bad side for upsetting you."

I moved my fish around with my chopsticks. I frowned as I thought about the men I had come to know during my time on the ship. "I know they're worried," I spoke softly. "But it's better this way... one day, I'll be leaving you all anyway."

He sighed. He stared down at his own food, saddened by the thought. He moved his food around in a similar way to how I had been.

I tried to change the subject. I didn't really want the both of us to be upset at the thought of a future that wasn't happening yet. "So... I never really asked you, but Iroh told me that you know how to fight with swords... he said you used them to help the Avatar escape Zhao the other week. Who taught you how to do that?"

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