Time Flies When You Are Having Fun

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Rikki's P.O.V

Minutes turned into days which turned into weeks and so on. Nathan had been gone for 4 months now. We had such a great time in those months, its not because the boys were gone its because it was just fun!

It was a Monday and Nathan was coming back! YAY! I woke up just as the sun came up. ' Great 6 oclock' i muttered to myself. I swung my legs left so they were hanging out of the bed, but being Rikki the whole cover fell off the bed. After making my bed i stood in the middle of my room. My thick red hair hanging messily from my head, all i was wearing was Nathans hoodie, it was quite big on me because im a little bit shorter than him and thinner.

I ran my fingers through my hair, making the parting unseeable. 'Shower' i whispered and slid round on the balls of my feet to face my bathroom. I strolled lazily into my bathroom and peeled the hoodie off, launched it on the floor and turned the shower on. Once it was warm i jumped in, i ran my fingers through my hair as the water hit my body, oncr i had shampooed and conditioned thoroughly, i just stood in the shower for ages just thinking about my life and how it had changed.

I got out the shower and tied a towel around myself. Whilst I was doing that I noticed myself in the mirror, i looked much healthier. 'Lets turn over a new leaf today Rikki, no more of that dipressed shit you did, live life a little' I gave myself a little prep talk to keep me going.

I turned my door handle and walked into my room, hhm what to wear I thought to myself. In the end i pulled out underwear, white ripped jeans, black boot heels and a black rolling stones t-shirt. I brushed my knotted hair and left it down to dry Naturally. ' Rikki' I heard someone call me from the front room. ' What' I yelled back, no anwser. Bloody hell i hate it when people do that. So i got up from my swivel chair and stormed out into the hallway, 'Flipping hell, anwser me next...' My eyes widened as I saw Nathan and the boys, the boys, Demi and Ness on the sofa Nathan standing up.

' NATHAN' i screamed, i ran up to him and hugged him. ' Woah Rikki, i have only been gone 4 months' I let go, ' Ok, then ' I said and plopped myself down on the floor. ' Maximillian Alberto George, you have stolen my seat you... you .... YOU CODFISH' Nathan said as a joke. ' Awwww, has baby Nathan got no chair' i said in a silly voice ' HEY you're smaller than me!' He said. ' Hey im average height' 'For what fourteen year olds' Jay said. 'OI you' i said grabbing a cushion and throwing it at him. Laughs erupted from everyones mouths as Jay threw the pillow back. ' Right you' I said grabbing the cushion and attempting to thump him but instead hitting Max. ' Oi' Max yellzed grabbing a pillow and hitting me, i then hit him back and it escalated quite quickly, it turned into Max pinning me down on the floor and jay tickling me to death. ' Nathan Help' i said inbetween laughs. 'Oi, get off ' Nathan said, he then continued to say ' thats my job'. 'You evil bastard' i said, as he was about to tickle me, by now everyone had scattered, jay and siva went back to the tour bus. Siva was meeting his girlfriend and jay was meeting Meghan, they became quite close friends.

' Well hello there Rikki' Nathan said whilst on top of me. ' I have missed you, your eyes, your hair, your lips' he was obviously hinting for a kiss. He moved in for a kiss but i moved my head out the way ' uh uh uh not until you get up' I taunted him ' but' he whimpered, i kissed him on the cheek. ' Fine' he said and got up pulling me up with him. ' Well Hello again' he said sexily ' Hello' i said back. He bit his lip as he went in for the kill, so to say. As the kiss got deeper and deeper his hands moved through my hair, twirling it around his fingers.

Tom's P.O.V

I walked out of my fiancee's bedroom and saw Nath and Rikki deep in make out zone, so i decided to go up to them and do this. ' echo echo echo' i put my head between theirs. ' You sick bastard ' Rikki said before storming off to her room. ' Tom' Nathan moaned at me slapping my arm in the process. ' What did i do ?' I asked.

( To Be Continued)

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