Oh Hey, It's Moriarty

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I'm having a Sherlock marathon, YAY! Someone should put in a laughter track on this. That would be weird.

So I've been home alone all day and I just got a call for mum saying that she and dad aren't going to be home till later because they've bought a car. Thanks for the warning. So now the chips are nearly gone and I'm half way through A Scandal in Belgravia.

Where is she?


The woman.

What woman?

The woman.

Which woman?


That awkward moment when Sherlock's phone gets a text and it makes organism noises. Yes autocorrect. Organism noises. Definitely. Irene Adler is an organism after all.

Sherlock, can you not be nice on Christmas?

I think this may be my favourite episode. Dunno...

Goddamn it, that violin. It's so haunting and melodious.

Yes. Yes, you are John. Stop lying. We all see it.

Dear villains, you don't mess with Mrs Hudson. Sincerely, Sherlock Holmes, who is going to end up throwing you out the window.

Irene Adler and Sherlock Holmes: Still a better love story than Twilight.

David Attenborough, stop teasing the bug by imitating the females mating call by clicking your fingers. How would you feel if you were that bug? Bloody angry and betrayed, I bet. Used too.

OH MY GOD, I FOUND MY HAPPY STORY THAT I WANTED! IM SO HAPPY! It's called Tell Him by SHINeeKitten and I absolutely LOVED IT! It was cute, fluffy, kinda sad, kinda nice as well and the author dealt with the female lead character's psychological trauma PERFECTLY. Although I found teeny, weeny things that bothered me (I'm picky with books, so sue me. It's needs a tiny bit of editing but so do all my pieces of writing.) IT WAS BEAUTIFUL! I SHALL READ IT AGAIN AND AGAIN AND IT NEEDS A SEQUEL AND, JUST, it was awesome. So much better than some of the other ones I've been reading lately.

And in the tradition of what I've been reading lately, it is a Yu-Gi-Oh fanfic.

I have noticed lately that my dedication to The Avengers fandom has been lacking somewhat. Case in point is my persistent writers block for Witchcraft. The last time that happened I started to write Waif, which I had originally planned to continue with whenever I was stuck on a plot line, short of ideas that could work in the scenario I was up to, or just wanted something different to do. But it seems I just sit there and stare at the screen whenever I go to type something, despite the fact I stopped mid-sentence while describing a... Character. Who's a bit crucial. To this current plot line anyway. In Witchcraft.

I WANT TO AND FEEL LIKE WRITING. JUST NOTHING I CAN THINK OF IS RELEVANT TO ANY STORY I'VE ALREADY STARTED. Maybe... Maybe I should start another one. But what if I don't finish that one either? Hell, what if I do start it and just never touch it ever again? I don't wanna do that. I hate myself because of the Avenger-Fandom-Block already, what if I just add to my depression? And what on earth, the universe and everything could I write about? Ugh, this is getting annoying. It's not like I'm that fantastic at creating my own characters and scenarios. Whenever I think of something I always feel like its been done so many times and-

Hold on. I may have had an idea. And since I've been scrolling through so many of the fanfics lately, I haven't noticed it done before. Although I could be wrong.

Stuff it. I'm going to write it down. I'm on school holidays for the next month or so. If I start writing this, because I'm getting serious here, I should get a decent amount done. It doesn't even have to go the way i think it will, it can just grow as i write. It doesn't even have to turn out as a fanfic (which it probably will anyway no matter how hard i try). I just want to do something creative. And if I have trouble with THAT, I'll go back to Witchcraft.


That sounds like a good plan. Although I may have said that about Wai- STOP DOUBTING YOURSELF!

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