I'm Screaming

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Congrats to Benedict Cumberbatch being voted sexiest man alive in Empire's Top 100 (also congrats to Hiddles coming dat close second).


FUCK YEAH! I UPDATED WITCHCRAFT! WOOOOOOOO! Now I just have to write the next chapter to follow up and consequently get punched in the face by fans of *censored*. BWAHAHAHAHAHA no spoilers, bros.


So yeah, East Timor was good. Lots of goats. The cows were majestic as fuck and the pineapples delicious.


I'm lazy, I can't even be bothered writing in this.

I've started watching the Hollow Crown and oH MY GOD ITS FANTASTIC! And I'm not even at the Hiddles yet. I've always thought Shakespeare was alright but ITS SO MUCH BETTER WATCHING PEOPLE DO IT! And Ben Whishaw is one talented motherfucker.


Some random guy added me on Facebook last night and messaged me asking if I was a brony. I do not know what being a brony has to do with anything.

It turned out well. I HAVE FOUND MY PEOPLE!


So I recently purchased the first season of Supernatural and oH MY GOD it's scarier than some of the episodes in season 7 & 8 (although 8's really sad. Feels bros). But also, Jensen's pecks, man. Jensen's pecks. Jensen's motherfucking pecks.

I don't know why I keep typing 'bros', it's annoying me.


*sigh* yeah, I'm rambling to fill this, what of it?

I have come to the conclusion that, after finishing the manga series Love Monster (trust me, it becomes less pervey after about the 15th chapter. It gets cute. Eventually), I may possibly have a wing kink. It may explain why Angel is my favourite X-Man (out of all the other guys, some of whom I find quite attractive), why I'm a very dedicated Destiel shipper, and why, if I could have any superpower, I'd stick with wings (and dragons are my favourite creatures before phoenixes). Wings bros. Dey b pretty bad ass.


HELL YEAH, SUBSCRIBER PERKS!!!! I GOT THE EMPIRE LOKI COVER (technically, Thor's on the front BUT Loki does fold out. Also means he won't fade. Woo.)

Did you know you can rent Lichtenstein for $70, 000 dollars a night? Me either.


I'm not going to lie. I think my favourite story I have on here is Waif.

Did any of you guys hear about a post going round on tumblr about boycotting episode 3 of SPN season 9? Me either, but apparently a bunch of fans are in an uproar because Castiel now has a love interest. As someone who's watching it in a country where the next episode isn't aired until about 5 days after it is originally in the states, thanks for the spoilers. Not that I really care that much ( me who's waiting for a movie to come out where the biggest twist is right there on the internet for everyone to see...). But honestly, I don't think it's that big of a deal. I mean really, this is Cas we're talking about. He cares about Dean too much. Also the writers will probably slaughter her mercilessly in a hail of satanic daggers or something. Get over it, guys. It's not going to last.


I don't care how terrible you think my puns are, I will continue to make them until I die.

Oh yeah, and I saw Gravity. It wasn't great. But I still think it'll get an award for cinematography and 3D effects.

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